@MercurialGirl: Baked oatmeal? Qu'est-ce que c'est?
@MercurialGirl: Baked oatmeal? Qu'est-ce que c'est?
@OPhyliaKilledHamlet: Absolutely take a nap. Or just go to bed if it's nighttime where you are. The brain needs it.
@titchytiny: I did a very similar thing my senior year of college— broke up with boyfriend of two years, the second of which we were on opposite sides of the Atlantic. For a long time, I had thought he was the *perfect* person for me, that no one could be a better match. But then (alongside a few other things), I…
Ah ha, so now we know why polar bear couples stay so happily married!
[sniff— my home state!]
@integrandia: Although, hold up: only $19.95? It does seem to take all the guesswork out of not dying from exposure....
@integrandia: Oh god— clothes! You're right!!!!! I've been so cold for so long, sitting around in my underwear, and then when I saw this I was like, "whoa, genius, problem solved at last!" But I never considered clothes! Which I already own! Phew, you just saved me some bucks right here! :-)
@Ruby_de_la_Booby: Starring Katie Holmes as Janie Boomy-bar Kattykoo!
@jessi10: Don't forget "Ancient Aliens"!
@kat.bee: Jesus— isn't each bottle like 2.5 servings already??
@LaComtesse: Wait, I thought only his dick was racist? Google image search...
@awkwardturtle: She's so lucky she found you!
@karmasutra är svensk: I think I saw one fall into the thing of candy beans!
@Ruby_de_la_Booby: Em-pire!
@withoutabaedeker: Absolutely. That's how I normally make garlic bread. I also like to put tomatoes on the garlic bread before broiling and sprinkle with salt when it's done. So good!
God help me, but I can't wait for the new episode of Bridalplasty to be on tonight. I know it is pure evil, but... I kind of love it.
@Hooplehead: I've only seen Whip It and The Informant. Both were good! I say Whip It! It's fun and sweet and easy, but not dumb.
@Pennyfeather: Yes! And so tortured!
Bourne Again
Surgeon giving the press conference just confirmed one death, of a 9-year-old girl. God.