
@A Small Turnip: Aww. It still doesn't make me love season 3 any more, but aww.

@min_o: I love that set! Do you know the brand name?

@ItMustBeBunnies: Just wait til the twins hit adolescence. He might cheer up then!! : )

What I really like about the previous campaign in the link is that it involved men having to confront things like tampons. It's less of a big deal to get a bunch of women to talk about their periods, whereas men are generally allowed to hide behind the attitude of "ZOMG Unclean! unclean!Bleeding ladies! Enfeebling

@marimari: I actually quite enjoyed her show. She seems so genuinely happy with her new family, and I thought she looked incredibly pretty in her no/low makeup and ponytail period after the baby was born. She's got great freckles!

As sickening as the animal cruelty is (and it is agonizingly so), the comments against the girl on 4chan only twist my stomach in a different way.

Fuckin' fairies! How do they work?

Drew Barrymore has pretty good taste in romantic comedy scripts, as far as I'm concerned. The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates, and Music and Lyrics all get spots in the very small pool that manage to be light and fluffy fun without making me want to stab myself from the stupidity. Also, Whip It was super good, and

@team-science: God, you're right! My bangs will never look that good! Curses!

@Blueberry26: My local grocery has a "10 items or fewer" line, and it makes my heart glow a little every time I see it!

Fewer! Arrgrggrhhh!

Something you rarely hear: it might not hurt AT ALL. No sense in getting all freaked out about some horrific pain (followed by immediate intense multiple orgasms, of course) that might not even be there in the end. Contrary to popular belief, not every woman's first time is a bloody massacre.

@raphaela: The answer is to let the old man ride the donkey! Duh!

@jhuang: Send a letter in writing threatening to take them to small claims court. I've had to do this before, and it worked. Seeing that you took the time to send a hard copy is usually enough to get the wheels moving, versus just phone calls which are too easy to ignore.

@lorsqu'il pleut: I put off watching After Life for a long time despite great recommendations from friends, because, yknow, it sounded like kind of a downer. But it's totally amazing and life-affirming and sweet and gorgeous. I was actively glad I had taken the time to watch it. So don't wait!

Just change it to the Jimmy Garp-Gomp Story and call it a day.

@another_uncreative_name: I had to fly home for my dad's funeral a few years ago. I cried in the cab, in the airport, and on two flights. The stewardess on the last one was a total bitch to me, and I will always remember how she made a profoundly shitty day that much shittier.