Michael Bauser

@EarlGreyOneSugar: I assume that's because whatever Spanx-like compression effect that's being used to squeeze the arms into shape would even more uncomfortable compressing ones breasts.

@RuBBa_cHiKiN: North Gizmodo is Best Gizmodo: Something tells me you're not familiar with Twitter. See that blue checkmark-thing next to the words "TSA Blog Team?" That means Twitter verified the account-holder's identity.

I doubt this is a case of BET valuing white actors than black actors. More likely, it's a reflection of the rest of the television industry valuing white actors more.

The disturbing part of this is that I can actually believe a Texas judge will rule this kind of discrimination legal because the plantiff wasn't discriminated against for his race.

@serendous: A lot of people using pre-paid cards like this are using them becaues they're terrified of checking accounts after a bad experience with a bounced check. (Some of them can't even open new checking accounts because they couldn't afford to pay all the overdraft fees.)

@nobodyr: And now, the most sexist thing I'm ever going to say on Jezebel:

@TranClan67: One of you has to pick something that person is already into, but the two of you have never done together. It'll be more "first datish" if you're learning about an unseen side of a friend.

You know why "crazy female candidates" always seem crazier than "crazy male candidates?" Because the crazy females are usually stridently anti-feminist.

@Cam/ron: It's because they knew the story would gets lot of traffic. It's an advertising-supported website, dummy. More traffic == more money. Sheesh.

@jlpwjh4l: I'm not bashing your "lifestyle." I'm criticizing the pointlessness of milllions of people arguing about who has the better understanding of a 3,000-year old rulebook. It's pointless trying to live life according to a rulebooks that has asvice for wife-beating, slave-owning, and when to impregnate your own

@jlpwjh4l: mouseyChuu is right: The Bible is homophobic.

...and now, we need a Lifehacker "how to" about jamming the lock so that other people can't open the door on us.

The only reason I went to college was to meet nymphobraniacs.

@wandergrrl: Murder trials are only long and complicated if the defendant can afford a hard-working lawyer and lot of experts.

@schaemtsichfremd: If hadn't been the Nintendo character, it would have been the Sha Na Na guy. That's the blessing and the curse of having a pop-culture-friendly name: Nobody forgets a guy named "Bowzer!"

It's not much easier fucking as a male feminist. I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to convince women that I'm not judging/hating/using them for their sexuality.

My new goal in life is to get all seven of these things in one photograph.

A female friend in college told me that color didn't matter; what mattered was whether my date's bra and underpants matched, because "if they don't match, she wasn't planning to have sex with you that date."

@schaemtsichfremd: Although a native of Grosse Ile, I live in Trenton. (I'm going to avoid that vigil/rally, though. Probably going to be way too much praying going on for my comfort.)

@Perplexed_in_RI: I haven't read anything that said the seven-year old has a Facebook account.