Michael Bauser

I'm holding out for Rent-A-Nemesis, because frankly, arguing with random idiots on the Internet is beginning to lose its thrill. I need to find a quality archenemey, preferably with a jetpack and a laser gun.

@lovecake... proprietor of zombie goods: I'm less concerned about the kid's table manners and more worried about the horrible dating advice Kim gives her like "We don't chase boys. Boys chase us." I wanted to yell "And that's how you end up only dating married men!"

Phaedra doesn't like names that are hard to spell.

@girl_ninja: That is a horribly apt comparison, now that you mention it. I shudder to think how many decades Heidi and Spencer will be inflicting this kind of insanity on the public.

@OldEnough2BYourMama: Apparently, the Washington Redskins keep such lousy record of employees that she was able to convince the cheerleader's alumae group to let her in, even though nobody remembers ever cheerleading with her, and there are no photos of her cheerleading.

@Indil: Seriously, I think Nina was more moved by the top then by Mondo's story.

Move on? She should be trying to sell the book and movie rights. (And then she should everything possible to keep Katherine Heigl away from the project.)

To be fair, there are plenty of non-athletic NFL accessories for men who get "dressed up," too — neckties and cufflinks, for example.

@southernyankee: There are people who do that. The folks at call it a "mileage run." (The same thing for a hotel rewards program is a "mattress run.") If you're serious about the idea, go to FlyerTalk and lurk for a while.

@♥AntiSocialSocialite♥: Wait a minute: If they've got access to the e-mail account that receives Facebook updates, they should be able to a password reset and get a new password e-mailed to them, shouldn't they?

@lilydancing: I've been told I look like Steve Buscemi, but only by other men. I think that's because women are smart enough to know no man wants to look like Steve Buscemi.

@sensitivitycop: There are several services that let users schedule tweets to be posted at a specific time. I'm considering setting one of them up to post crazy tweets in the far future like "Hey, why hasn't anybody visited my grave lately?"

What I'm unlcear on (because these articles don't mention it) is: Does marking someone "decased" trump Twitter's Inactive Usernames Policy? If not, dead people are subject to having their accounts deleted after 6 months of inactivity anyway.

Gen Con has not "always ha[d] live action role playing." LARP as recognized form of gaming didn't really exist until the 1990s. I know Gygax and the gang weren't dressing up as vampires back in '67.

So you're saying I should stock up on polo shirts now?

The sentence "Something that is immodest is something that is unnaturally revealing" makes my head hurt. What's the "natural" standard for "revealing?" Are babies in his town born wearing clothes?

@metaphorsbewithyou: I suspect part of what you're missing is lead time. By the time MTV puts up an ad looking for pregnant teenagers, receives some video tapes, picks a teen, does all the legal/contract stuff, and sends a camera crew, the teenager is probably already too pregnant to get an abortion legally.

@ValentinaVenus: I'm pretty sure that "point the finger at the right application" is what I said with my first comment. It's other posters who won't let go of the "Foursquare is for stalkers" meme, with increasingly elaborate theories ("the call in coming from inside the house!") about how it must be Foursquare's