Michael Bauser

TripIt actually saved me from a dumb mistake the other day. I didn't notice my employer's travel coordinator had the dates on a rental car reservation wrong until I forwarded the reservation to TripIt and saw the timeline didn't make sense. If I hadn't done that, I might not have noticed until I got to the rental car

@LoveBugBecky: You know what got me to go to my 5-year reunion? FREE BEER. I was in grad school, visiting the folks during the summer. Grad students always appreciate free beer.

In high school (late 1980s), I worked at the yacht club that was traditionally used to host my school's 10-year reunions. Back then, most of the men who went to those reunions wore suits, or at least sports jackets.

I have this half-formed thought in my head (but lack the time to fully form it, so I share it half-formed) that one of the best tools for overcoming confirmation bias is understanding the principle of falsifiability. If more people tested their beliefs with falsifiable hypotheses, there would be a lot less stupid in

I think the target audience is men who want to passively-agressively get back at the girlfriends who made them see Sex and the City 2.

@gravebones: It's the reality-show version of an operamentary.

@seeherechicken: If you went to a LARP convention dressed as vampire, there are probably pictures all over the Internet.

@DeccaLeChat: I think it's really too soon to say what his motives are. The first victim's body is still missing, and the second murder is still being investigated. It could turn out that both were sexually-motivated murders, the "I panicked when she read my e-mail" is excuse-making, and the robbery was an attempt at

@roodles: Experts don't usually use the term "serial killer" until a person has established a pattern by killing three people.

I would like the author of this article to tell us which Real Housewives aren't suffering from a psychological disorder.

@soren121: Yes, it says so in Twitter blog post.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm so glad there wasn't a World Wide Web when I was a teenager. I'd have spent all my time arguing about Star Trek was better than Star Wars (or vice versa; my opinion changed a couple of years), and spent the rest of my life hoping nobody found my juvenile rants.

When I say (aloud) "I hope he dies in a fire," people just think I'm being eceentric and over the top, and they're all "Oh, Michael!"

If having a larger number is so important to Chris Brogan, I'm forced to assume that he has both a small penis and can't afford traditional means of overcompensation like a sports car or a gun collection.

Even if I was in New York, I wouldn't know which site to say I was there for. I'm not woman enough to be a Jezebel, not conspicuous-consumptionist enough to be a Gizmodo, and not organized enough to be a Lifehacker.

I think the answer to number 9 is pretty simple: MIB just hid the body to mess with Jack's mind a little more.

Darn. I was hoping that "brexting" would somehow involve texting with ones breasts.

The opening line of that last letter makes me think that "The Jezebel Agenda" would be a great name for a spy novel.

@JoStockton: I had a girlfriend in college who told me her version of the boyfriend drop: If a guy gave her any sort of unsolicited compliment, she would play dumb and respond "Thanks! That's exactly what my boyfriend says!"

@[DFX] Deimos: I have the firstname/lastname e-mail address for my name, and have had it for over 10 years.