@LadySublue: You're wrong. Sometimes there is something wrong with having a dream. When it's never going to happen and it's interfering with one's life (as it was the very person this "Intervention" was about), it's time to stop dreaming.
@LadySublue: You're wrong. Sometimes there is something wrong with having a dream. When it's never going to happen and it's interfering with one's life (as it was the very person this "Intervention" was about), it's time to stop dreaming.
CNN.com's headline this morning was "Real Houswives fiance killed." I assumed it was Slade from the Orange County 'Housewives,' because he seems like the one people would most want to hurt.
@tobesthewonderdog: No, I'm not joking. In fact, here's the poll report on Rasmussen's website.
Those knuckleheads at Rasmussen Reports are phone-pollng about Kanye West. I got called for the robo-interview yesterday.
@RustyHeadedGirl: I did test prep for a while. The only time kids are going to call you is when they need to tell you they're skipping class.
@sparkelss: According to a local TV station, he was "attempting to speak to" high school students.
@babyruthless: The first time I bought condoms, my girlfriend asked me to pick up a box of Kleenex, too. I was annoyed because buying condoms and one other thing would make it look like I was trying to hide the condoms. I didn't want the cashier to think I was embarrassed to buy condoms.
A lot of cheap AA-powered mini-flashlights don't care which end of the battery (positive or negative) goes into the flashlight first (as long as all the batteries in a series go in same end first). I've found that removing "dead" batteries from such flashlights and re-inserting them backwards will often bring the…
@Breamworthy: For big-C Collectors of toys and other juvenille pursuits, I think it often starts as nostalgia, then evolves into competition.
I know it's tangential to the article, but I'll explain why Farhenheit 451 is correlating with low scores: It's a really shallow book.
@CaptainChickenpants: You know, you should probably real the linked article. The original article is talking about shooting in group situations where multiple photographers are going crazy with the flashes and actually shows a picture where the trick worked.
@CaptainChickenpants: "Got lucky?" Jeez, did you ever in your life shoot on film? I swear, everybody who ever used a manual SLR is having a heart attack (`cuz we're old, get it?) after reading that commment.
My weekend project is (hopefully) going to be photographing the fireworks down the street from my house, old-school style with a K1000 and a shutter release cord.
That model looks like @rmric0.now.with.more.free.time: Funny, I was thinking that model looks like she should be dating one of Batman's villains. She'd be one of those no-dialogue characters that Batman leaves for Robin to deal with, but she pulls a knife, a gun, and a bomb out of her tactical corset, and kicks…
Until now, I did not know you could buy wives on a layaway plan.
@hippichx sez PEACE PLEASE: Only Democrats are descended from primates. A Republican is magically created by God's Love and his daddy's sperm.
@SiktaHydra: I probably shouldn't take spam seriously, but just in case anybody wants to follow SiktaHydra's advice:
@Citizen Kang: That's why she hates gay people! They're immune to her evil man-control powers!
@schweppes: I'm guessing: With an excellent nanny.
@hortense: I was thinking "LiveJournal" myself, but same difference.