Megan, I think you're reading slightly more in Laden's (underwritten) article than the wrote. He doesn't say the "rape switch" is about men's pleasure, you do. I think you're going down the wrong track with that idea.
Megan, I think you're reading slightly more in Laden's (underwritten) article than the wrote. He doesn't say the "rape switch" is about men's pleasure, you do. I think you're going down the wrong track with that idea.
@vamusical: I keep geting "Meet Christian Girls" (their word, not mine) ads, and my Facebook profile says "atheist."
TripIt's reports are OK, but Dopplr's are much prettier, and you get an estimate of your carbon output. Plus, everybody got an infotainment-ish Annual Report for 2008.
I tried three times to install Flights to Friends and got error messages every time. I think Lifehacker broke it!
@t1t0: Hey, that wasn't narcissism, that was efficiency. I don't always have time to bless you people with two witty, original, life-changing rants in one day!
(I already mocked this site on Mashable today, so I'm just going to copy my message from there!)
What, am I the only one here who wants to make fun of the the .tel TLD? You guys are no fun.
As a man, I have to say the pink jeans frighten me.
@penny_lane loves penny_cruz (for the oscar!!!): Um that's pretty much what the article said.
I'm against all this cheek-kissing. It's totally undermining my campaign to bring back the high-five.
I'm glad you pointed out the irony before I had to.
@terribletwenties aka Aesop's Foibles: Hooter's is "family friendly" the way Dukes of Hazzard was "family television" — it makes shallow, uncaring fathers spend time with their kids by giving the dad some breasts to look at. "Family" is just a codeword for "Dad won't be too bored."
This article mirrors an argument I've been having with my friends and relatives for years. I'm seeing their kids completely skip the "board game years" in favor of early video gaming, and I think that's a bad idea.
@Mafalda para Presidente: It's highly unlikely that they asked only about breakfast. The usual M.O. for social research surveys is to ask lots of standardized questions about subjects' lives in order to see which ones are predictive. Different researchers look at the results of whichever questions relate to their…
@wewillchange: It's about advertising, duh. If Facebook and Google can start associating your offsite activities with your main account, they can target even more advertisements at you.
@ApolloImbesol: Looks like Gawker Media went with Facebook. Log out of your account here, scroll down to the bottom of a comments page, and it says "Coming soon: comment using your Facebook account."
I assume the "other" option in the poll is shorthand for "I edited for a while and then got tired of the behind-the-scenes bullshit," correct?
You know what the ultimate problem for Nombray is? They're marketing to a middle that probably doesn't exist.
@davecort: I hope you're not working just for shares. If you are, you got suckered.
@Duane: So basically, .tel is a Facebook page I have to pay a subscription fee to maintain? Yeah, that'll work.