
This November, along with the elections for every state legislature seat. This is a huge state election year for Virginia, which is why all of these scandals are even more concerning for Dems, who had hoped to recapture both chambers of the general assembly and have a super majority for the first time in a *long* time.

I can just imagine how your phrasing would rile up the religious right: “She’s doing God’s work! How dare she imitate God! Blasphemy! Heresy!”

It’s like people think that doctors are just automatons who blindly take orders from their patients/clients.

There is nothing redeemable about his admission because it reinforces something Black folks need to keep in mind about White folks who were born in the older generations where racism was a bit more seething and frothing at the mouth.

I have a somewhat different take on Frida. I agree with the criticism of the commercialization of art and artists but at the same time it’s not just happening to Frida.

Approximately 3 sex scenes, 2 incest sex scenes and one snarky small council scene later. 

Shut up. You were called out and corrected because you were wrong. Instead of being gracious that you learned something, you acted exactly like DJT when an adult is talking to him. Do you enjoy being like that?

You found the atheist that lives by “logic”.

Personally I think donating to HIAS is a great response to this tragedy especially since the shooter referenced them. I hope donations flood in to them, if only as a special “fuck you” to the shooter.

This is a true story that is scary on... well, levels, ha. I’ve obscured some details so as not to give away any too identifying information, although the details are part of what makes the story.

What worked for me was finding a version of “less” that actually worked. So many people/docs/trainers stick to that 500 cals per day for 1 lb per week weight loss. It’s aggressive. And for a lot of people who are like us (oh boy do I get hangry) it just doesn’t work. Trying to cut that many calories by not eating or

But as many activists point out, it is a mistake to equate critiques of the actions of the state of Israel with anti-Semitism.

Louis CK and Aziz Ansari aren’t the same as the others. One asked for permission first and the other had a bad date. Both had consent. I get the power imbalance with Louis and the women comics, but just because you thought he was kidding, i doesn’t mean he didn’t ask for permission first. If you feel gross or aren’t

Why are you lumping Aziz in with Lauer and CK? Lauer was a serial sexual harasser and predator. CK jerked off in front of women. Aziz took a little too long to realize that his date didn’t want to fuck him, and apologized to her when she told him she didn’t feel good about what happened.

I haven’t been sleeping well lately for several reasons, one of which is being too damned hot. Y’think being bare down there will help?

Boot straps buddy. I mean, if they get their own lawyer, they'll expect food and health care provided too. I mean, do you want to live a country where we feed and give medicine to 3 and 4 year olds who don't even work part time? Remember, we want to overturn Roe v. Wade cause children are precious gifts from God.

Frizzy hair: start washing your hair less. If you wash every day, switch to every other day. Then go to every third day when the second day hair stops getting oily. Then go another day. I’m down to twice a week with extremely long hair, sometimes less. If you are still finding your hair is dry, add in a day of

I think what everyone is focusing on is the word that was used by Waters “harass” particularly.

Fingers crossed! Ima send her another fistful of dollars through EMILY’S. 

I believe inbreeding is illegal.