
Well the kind of hilarious/sad thing about republicans voting against abortion thinking they will always have the exception is there are even situations where they are not the exception, and that is miscarriages. Republicans are shocked when they suddenly discover that they/their spouse are having an unexpected

Honestly, I don’t know what the hell Russia wants here. Obviously they don’t actually think Griner is a dangerous criminal, a Russian convicted of the same crime for the same amount of drugs would be spending 2 weeks in jail, not years at a penal colony. Biden is not going to stop supporting Ukraine over one or even

No, she’s wrongfully detained because 1) she wasn’t provided adequate legal counsel, and 2) based on the amount she had on her, according to Russian law she should be held for no more than two weeks. 

She supposedly brought an INCREDIBLY tiny amount of drugs into a country, that is known for falsely charging Americans in order to use them as bargaining chips. Obviously, no one would believe it if they said they were holding her on espionage charges, but dumb racists like you would have no problems if someone told

I don’t want to be shitty, but does it matter since the mods seem to be determined to not let normal people out of the grays in favor of obvious trolls — but come on, please Jez writers, do a little research on how government works and what is actually feasible. Talk to a lawyer. There are reasons some of these things

This is a problem with democratic messaging that we need to get better on. Voters don’t seem to connect the dots between those policies and the parties that actually support them. The next two years, all over the country, should be spent endlessly hammering that message. Ads in Florida should be blasting messaging

Well, they are pretty stupid, but luckily abortion is really easy to understand. And it seems most people can connect the dots enough to figure out that inflation does eventually go down, but a baby keeps demanding food for 18 years. They are too stupid, though, to connect the dots on abortion and republicans (as

Anthony showed little interest in the topic of abortion. Ann D. Gordon, who led the Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Papers project, an undertaking to collect and document materials written by those two co-workers, said that Anthony “never voiced an opinion about the sanctity of fetal life ... and she

well he lost his primary, so this makes sense. 

I would really like for people like that to open a damn history book and realize that in every one of these movements, in like 5 years there is a huge purge of original believers because suddenly they disagree on who should be secretary of state or something. When you put your lot in with these people, you better hope

“Oh wait Suzie, did you say MY son got you pregnant? But he’s about to go to Vanderbilt on a lacrosse scholarship! The board reverses its decision and now abortion is mandatory for you. Also, we’re going to sterilize you, because you’re clearly a slut who needs to be stopped from ruining the lives of other promising

People need to understand that what will eventually happen is one of two things. Best case scenario: Every miscarriage is investigated like a crime, and every miscarriage patient will have to prove they legitimately had a miscarriage, not a self-induced abortion (which as you see above is basically impossible to

It’s really time for people to “come out” as having abortions, especially those who had abortions for those pesky life saving medical reasons. I feel like republican grandmothers would suddenly feel a lot different if they found out their granddaughter had an abortion to help prevent sepsis during a miscarriage. It

Like the two wars republicans got us into and we had to fight for 20 years? Those couldn’t possibly be the problem. Must be the one massively destabilizing Europe we should just stay out of, like the one in 1938.

Yeah I’m willing to bet it was reported and not just by her. I am also willing to bet a bunch of dudes witnessed it, but didn’t really know what to do about it. I always tell men -- if you witness sexual harassment, or someone talking about harassing anyone else, or making jokes about it, even if it isn’t directed at

The response is “not all abortion scenarios, even for the richest people, can be solved with an out of state trip.”
If you ask me, the pro-choice side is missing a major opportunity by not hitting people over the head with the message of ABORTION IS THE ONLY AVAILABLE MISCARRIAGE CARE IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. PERIOD.

What you should DEFINITELY consider is that there are circumstances in which abortion is the only life saving procedure available and you cannot physically travel for it. Yeah a lot of dudes, including my own abortion supporting dad, do not realize this — if you are in the process of miscarrying, you often cannot

I saw this last night —- Great movie. I followed this story for years, I read the book and watched the documentary. My only complaint about this movie is that it skipped over a lot of stuff at the end.
The legal drama that ensued following the raid (which they also don’t show) is worth discussing. 

Seriously. Why am I in the grays but “Monica Lewinsky is an abortionist slut” up there is the first visible comment? 

And the reality is what here exactly? That practicing what I believe you described as birth control (aka understanding that semen makes babies and therefore taking precautions to not have reproductive sex but engaging in other sexual acts) is equivalent to abortion? Once again, that giving someone a blow job where no