
I have the utmost respect for anybody who is willing to revisit past mistakes, face them, learn from them, and make amends. That’s how we move forward, both in our personal growth and as a society. For Donna Minkowitzto do this in such a public forum, shows courage. It takes guts to show your humanity.

Don’t sell him short. He must expend a lot of energy every day chasing after the nannies.

I sure hope you never have to find yourself in a similar situation.

Some women go after abusive types because of their life experience and mental makeup.

when you clearly meet the basic requirements like personability (see: “nice guys,” who I guess can be compared to the well- or overqualified person who loses out on a job to an eye candy hire

This. She’s like “so my husband is a total lazy sponge, does nothing all day, expects me to entertain him when I get back from work (including thinking up activities to do), can’t even be bothered to pick a different game to play or show to watch when I’m not around (talk about the bare minimum) and when I try to talk

My parents both have always had a lot of friends, particularly my mother. She has two friends from college that she’s still very close with (one of them has always lived nearby so they hang out all the time and always have) and they never had kids. One of them is married (twice; the second one seems to be sticking as

You’re right, it’s most likely some sort of ration card as @gretchen suggested.

I was 29 when I ended things. I can’t even contemplate starting a new signficant relationship at this point! I feel like welp this is how things are for me now.

Yeah, All Souls! It’s a really great church—social justice-y as fuck, lovely people, a two top-notch choirs (my first Sunday checking it out, we sang Leonard Cohen AND Dolly Parton, so I knew these were my people).

Yeah my wife’s like that. I don’t need to know how many steps you took walking from one task to the other during your day, or what color shirt the guy at the restaurant that screwed up your order was.

Most pro-gun groups look out more for gun manufacturers. I own many guns and so do my family and friends... can’t think of a single one who doesn’t want more gun control.

I own two guns. They should be difficult to get almost no one should have access to any semi-automatic. If you can’t hit a deer with a bolt action you shouldn’t be hunting.

Which is actually an echo of an unfortunate sentiment I’ve heard from Poles.
They ask: “Why didn’t the Jews unite against the Nazis and just stop them?”.

It will never happen. Rogers was the real deal. An enlightened soul. Compassion in human form. ...The best we can be. Rest easy on that.

The article is broadminded and offers a fair representation of Mallory’s relationship with NOI, why her position (or lack of) is problematic, and defense for her lack of statement.

On a basic level, you conflate anti-semitism and anti-Israel. What you called the height of hypocrisy sounds more like keeping in line

#votesandcalls has a very nice ring to it.

You need to advise your NRA backed representatives and senators. that you’re sending them your thoughts and prayers, but your vote and donations are going to someone who’s going to take action.

CALL your member of Congress. Talk to the kid on the phone and demand to know what your member of Congress or Senator is fucking doing.

Exactly. And two other things related to mazzieD’s point: first, lawmakers may be underestimating broad constituent support for gun control because single-issue 2nd Amendment supporters call their congresspeople with more regularity and ferocity than supporters of gun control. Second, extreme partisan gerrymandering