
Fascinating and somewhat terrifying. It makes me wonder how meaningful it is to make the distinction between what’s real and what’s not real. Everything we experience and understand is a matter of perception.The circumstances were not ideal but you stepped fully into the wardrobe where most of us only get to look into

So what’s early death? Also, why don’t we ever talk about whether living to a ripe old age might not be so great? I don’t want to live long enough to where someone has to change my diapers. If soda can help guarantee that then I’ll happily mix some with whiskey and not look back.

I don’t know if it’s rough. She seems to be approaching it with less emotion than most of us do. If she’s wrong or misinformed, I hope we as a society can allow her to be wrong without labeling her a monster as well. Her comments somewhat put into focus the thoughts I’ve been having about all this. At what point did

It’s a tragedy all around. If these accusations are true, then it’s reasonable to think there are things that happened that none of them has ever uttered for the sake of preserving the family. I can only hope that they all find a way to get healing if they haven’t done so already.

Hindsight being 20/20, would it have made sense for IT’s agent to ask the nuggets to release him? If so, would he have been a fit in Miami maybe? Is there any team that had nothing to lose where he could have played himself back in to form?

Bellissimo! A fine piece of journalism this! Thank you for giving voice to an underrepresented part of the population.

Hmm, maybe I’ll check out the stores. Since I can’t complete the “Find Tasyn’s Agent” mision.

To a certain extent, I’d like to see them approve it in the hope that it fails spectacularly. We often rely on companies to fire employees, particularly those in positions of power, when they do something society no longer tolerates. I’d like to see the community at large be given the chance to denounce this game. At

God I would love to have a Dwyane Wade on my team. Even though the team is in no man’s land, fans at least get to have some of these moments of fun. The Heat don’t deserve him

I just looked up Dyn Audio BM-15A. Holy mackerel that’s quite a price tag! They must sound wonderful. If I may ask, what genres of music do you typically listen to? Is there a track in particular that makes you appreciate how well those speakers perform?

Hugely impressive and quite beautiful in slow motion. Reminds me of a cat when you can see they’re about to jump up onto a counter and that bit of coil right before they make the leap. The distance plus height he attains is just incredible

This brings me joy and restores hope in this great nation of ours. Let’s settle our differences with puns, not guns!

Holy shit I didn’t even see that when I looked at those pictures. Man that’s a fucked up situation.

He is incredibly lucky to still be alive.

Holy shit man that’s the first movie that popped up in my head when I saw the title of the article. It’s not the movie I’ve watched most. I discovered it relatively late in life. But it may eventually take the number one spot when all is said and done.

Holy shit. In the 10 minutes it took to discuss this with my coworker they complete the trade. What the fucking fuck Giri!?!?!

He’s trying to preempt getting traded to New Orleans. Understandable and good luck to him.

She wasn’t great but she wasn’t terrible either. Also, the not so gifted singers have a backup vocal track that they sing over to help them out. They’re like the vegetables you have to eat along with the delicious red meat that is lion, peacock, monster, rabbit and bee

they wear goofy costumes to conceal their identity

“It wasn’t like we had a team meeting or anything,” said one of Clemson’s offensive stars who spoke with The Root on the condition of anonymity.