
I wish this young man all the success. They should have written him up to cover their asses then given him a high-five. Then they should have ran a news story on him with the chyron reading “Local hero calls out Tom Brady”

Ok. But I was thinking more about development. It makes sense to me that something could be developed for xbox and PC. But if I recall correctly, switch has the same hardware as the Nvidia Shield. So I’m curious about how they developed this game and chose the platforms they would make it available for.

I’m curious what factors contribute to this game being available for PC, Xbox One, and Switch but not iOS or Android.

So the working on the deck photo. Is that typical of Idaho’s landscape? It’s a really pretty shot.

Please let him run so he can get dragged for killing the Sonics. Hey Howard, how much money did you make selling the team? And how much money did you already have before selling the team? And what did you do with all that extra money? Hey Howard, if I took away 95% of your net worth right now you would still have 170

That was thoroughly entertaining. But let me say this at least. I was fine with the Patriots and respected their achievements up until this year. Now I’m tired of them. But moreso I’m tired of the rest of the AFC. I don’t watch nor do I understand enough football to be comprehend why it is that every year, the

That was thoroughly entertaining. But let me say this at least. I was fine with the Patriots and respected their achievements up until this year. Now I’m tired of them. But moreso I’m tired of the rest of the AFC. I don’t watch nor do I understand enough football to be comprehend why it is that every year, the

I like the idea of stacking fouls on the same advantage play. To prevent a deluge of free throws, each subsequent foul automatically awards the previous foul. So you never have more than three free throws. I’d also add that teams should be allowed to designate who takes the free throws. Then we won’t have to suffer

Anthony Davis has asked the New Orleans Pelicans to trade him “to a team that allows him a chance to win consistently and compete for a championship,”

As an old fogey that firmly believes these kids today don’t know nothin about no good music, I would nominate Rock With You. Except that Rock With You will never be outdated.

Surely they can find some minutes for Kanter that balances his desire to play, the Knicks’ desire to tank and develop their young guys, and my desire to see less of the marionette that is Mitchell Robinson

How did we already arrive at the season finale for The Good Place? My daughter will be bummed out when she hears about this. If only the Masked Singer could air twice a week to fill the void

You reminded me why I fell in love with the comments section. Thank you

Definitely the sky is falling

1. I just want to hug and squeeze the both of them it’s so adorable.

We must praise Danson as a global treasure, unrestricted by arbitrary borders.

A friend was showing me the article about Pratt and Schwarzenneger earlier and after seeing your headline, all I can say is thank goodness for Anna. She looks way too fun to be overly serious about Jesus.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed they trade him to a team that can actually develop him. Does Toronto have their PG of the future yet?

All that money and he buys the generic googly eyes. Look at what he could have had for only $3.19 if he had bothered to stop in to a Michaels on his way to the press conference.

I am not a professional lip reader and but I’m pretty sure he is saying “lancome mascara.” Maybe Vucevic is attending a gala soon? Refs are too quick with the techs these days.