
Also, if you could republish this but replace every reference to super hero movies with a reference to trap music I would greatly appreciate it.

Instead of ranting about the glut of superhero movies, how about you give us some recommendations for movies you actually paid money to see in a theater that were worth your money. I promise to ignore your recommendations so I can rewatch Infinity War.

I saw the headline and clicked to find out how to opt in and by golly you provided that info. Bless your heart

What the hell happened on that play? It feels like watching an old cartoon where top half of a character is going one way and the bottom half is going another. He seemed like such a nice boy too.

Someone who cares about this woman please tell her to open up a self-defense school in hollywood right away so she can make all the money.

Playing with LeBron James can be hard

Based on other comments, it sounds like ArmA is not so much a casual FPS. One of the many reasons I love the Halo series is because it’s perfectly suited for someone like me who prefers to play with a gamepad. I fear that as cool as enticing as this looks, I’m very much not the target audience for this mod.

And if something bad happens, he gets to blame democrats and every news outlet will gleefully report how he has blamed democrats for the bad thing that happened..

Doesn’t Thibs just scream?

My question is when are those two going to settle down and start a family. What are they waiting for? Psshh, kids these days

Given that, it’s amazing that Harden had anything left for overtime.

They only want you to think the truck was transporting money. In actuality they were transporting the real Avril Lavigne to an even higher security prison buried deep under siberia. We should all be scared that she’s walking free again. The blackout of 2003 was only the beginning

Oh hell no! If you’re wearing shorts in the winter you’re a goddamn showoff but wearing only a t-shirt? That’s a clear dog whistle for white supremacist. My third eye sees what’s going on here. I’m no longer buying what that guy is selling.

but NBA writers largely ignoring it has fueled a comeback narrative based on an incomplete truth

Why would he even go there? He and his team tried unsuccessfully to make the narrative of his absence about broken trust between him and the organization. Whether it’s true or not, I don’t think many people bought it. The media can only work with what people give them. Both he and the spurs organization gave the media

Interesting advice for Dazed and Confused that I don’t think I ever would have considered. I don’t think it’s possible though. If you’ve been with a partner that long and you all of a sudden ask for a divorce, they will immediately assume that you’ve met someone else. D&C will be in a position where they have to come

Aww man now you’re taking me back again. I had a k790a. I loved that phone. Hated the proprietary connector needed to plug in headphones. But it took great pictures for it’s time and the megabass was banging on that thing too.

Agreed. Not so much that I have a problem with the fact that she’s wearing the dress, but the “why” was somewhat distracting. She was so incredibly glamorous compared to everyone else I very much wanted to know who the hell was she. Royalty like Leia? Was it just customary dress of her planet? It took me somewhat out

I was coming to make the same damn rant. Sony pulled a sony with minidisc and consumers lost out. I don’t know if it was the format or that good ol’ megabass switch, but Mos Def’s Black on Both Sides was a blissfull experience on minidisc. I can’t recall if I recorded it from CD or low bitrate mp3s I recorded but it

Can she lose her medical license over this? She admitted to violating her Hippocratic oath