
I guess the reason it took them time is because Nintendo can’t bring themselves to have an ounce of generosity or love for their customers, so obviously they had to figure out how they could possibly make money out of this when they’re already charging a subscription from everyone. Turns out the answer was obvious:

Yeah, it’s odd that it was left out, considering they made a big point of it in the Direct.

Holy shit, the crazy bastards actually did it.

They could have just sat one cop at the bottom of the water tower to wait for this graffiti artist, but no. a FUCKING HELICOPTER. cops, what a fucking waste.

I know you guys are going way the hell out of your way in pretending you weren't dumping on her ten years ago, but describing someone who's pumping out the most generic shit imaginable as "one of pop's most exciting artists" is beyond the fucking pale.

Sure, have a human fuck a duck and the movie’s “terrible”, but have the human fuck a fish and they hand you Oscars.

I had the biggest crush on Lea Thompson when I was a kid and between her almost banging her son in Back to the Future and her actually banging a duck in Howard the Duck, it really messed me up something good.

A lifetime ban for a stupid teenage prank? Were you never a teen?

I also remember him saying, albeit somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that once Harrison agreed, he basically had to do it, too.

Except in this game the tiny step for man is backwards cause the company he lead as destroy small businesses, moved worker rights backwards and is terrible for the environment... All so Dr. Wannabe Evil can wave his ding dong rocket around at other rich assholes waving their own ding dong rockets around.

I think you overhype his dedication to the task. He models his space company after oldspace giants like Boeing. This craft was extensively tested before any humans set foot in it. And his space program dreams are more akin to “be the biggest logistics company in cislunar space” than “spread humanity to the stars.”

Multibillionaires have to hire pilots, crew, technicians on the ground, engineers to build their rockets and many other trained specialists for their vanity rides. At least some of their money is being spent and at least some additional opportunities to work in the aerospace field are being created.

This spy movie pastiche has more plot holes than the Red Room has trafficked girls.”

The ending definitely was WTF. Why did they cut away and flash forward? 

You covered a lot of my grievances, so I’ll add:

I still don’t understand the ending. Natasha alerts Ross. Ross’ troops show up, and the other Widows have an escape vehicle, and Natasha is like “No, I’m going to stay and deal with this.” Flash forward two weeks.

It comes off as a first draft for sure.

They should have told the Widow Hawkeye Budapest story .

This spy movie pastiche has more plot holes than the Red Room has trafficked girls.

The way I read it, Ash was playing with the buttons using the Joycons. I’ve read similar articles to the ones you mention, but it’s probably worth noting that in the cases where they praise the button controls, every single one of them was using a Pro controller. That probably makes a significant difference.

the same natural way it would if I took a knife to the cobwebs in my house”

Uh, are you okay?