Looks like fun, not least because it’s a role where De Niro doesn’t appear to be just phoning it in/doing it for the money.
Looks like fun, not least because it’s a role where De Niro doesn’t appear to be just phoning it in/doing it for the money.
Digitally delisted and physical copies short-lived. The fine print on the preorder page states that it’ll be available digitally til March 2021.
Though Microsoft and Google would be submitting a central streaming app to Apple for review, they wouldn’t be submitting every single game available on the services, which seems to be the main sticking point here.
So do they expect Netflix & YouTube and other streaming services to submit each movie individually for review by Apple? No? Only the games? Huh. Wonder why that is.
That old icon is clearly a vagina. I mean shit, they even have a little bulb at the top for the clit. I’d almost be more impressed if they’d kept it.
Would it be too much for her to ask her delightful, role-model, hubby Barack why he spent more effort making sure Bernie didn’t get the nomination that he did speaking out against Trump?
Alex Trebek: “Star Citizen, Half-Life 3, Winds of Winter, Doors of Stone, functional American politics.”
Did they just... roadmap their roadmap?
It’s so easy for the people in power to forget, despite the noblest of intentions, that hierarchical power has a certain invisible, unspoken force to it. You can’t always rely on subordinates to be able to overcome that force. It sounds like Respawn meant well, but in a case like this, where it may be that only a…
.... and that was the last thing they ever animated.
I agree with more transparency, but game trailers and highly scripted videos of announcements aren’t exactly what I would call transparency either.
I vehemently disagree with the sentiment of this article. The industry as a whole needs to become more transparent, not less; and during a time of great upheaval, it is always great to have something to look forward to.
I’m sure they want running water and a functional BIA before they care about how deeply white people should care about the term Spirit Animal.
Hell, the very letters we are using to communicate in are a Phoenician invention, modified by the Greeks and then Romans.
Wait, do I have to be Italian to say “pizza is my spirit animal”?
No, there’s no problem. It’s a really dumb thing to be mad about. It’s about as significant as a non-christian saying “Jesus Christ” when they stub their toe. Who fucking cares?
To be fair, if anyone tried to tell me the phrase ‘spirit animal’ is “cultural appropriation” I’d probably yell at them, myself.
I’ve gotta go with this little beauty here:
The first word on the list is “arse”. Really? That’s pretty damn strict. Like prudishly so.