
Were these things necessary for the base game? Nope. Nothing lost then. You can ignore this DLC like I probably will because nothing in it really interests me or be caught up in some type of entitlement.

They are selling you a Hard Mode and a map tracker! You really going to sit there and say that’s normal? I wonder what line needs to be crossed in order for you to complain about something in a game?

It flopped when it launched. I think that sentence is pretty clear.

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

Wait, this is the fix?

... It doesn’t look right at all to me. We have to go back, Marty!

The joycons only exist in pairs. These battery packs, unlike the straps, aren’t identical. Each will fit only a left OR a right joycon.

Counterpoint: “later this year be able to buy a battery pack to extend the life of the lil’ padS.”

Cruelty is our new National Pastime.

Did he fake the blood on his face as well, asshole?

A thug defending other thugs how quaint. Why don’t you stick to beating up folk who are to drunk to defend themselves and let the grownups talk.

My issue is this, the company overbooked. That is their fault. He got there early and got a seat. Whomever was last in line is who should have gotten the 400 + hotel.

Also, you can’t blame security for doing what they are told to do

Regardless, once the passenger creates a disorderly situation, the airline has total and complete authority to remove the passenger.

I’m not a lawyer, but it seems that in relenting and letting him back on the plane after all that, United made this worse for themselves when it comes to defending the (pretty much inevitable) lawsuit.

That’s what I find so contradictory about this while event. I worked for an airline once and while I never used the stand-by tickets, I heard from co-workers who did how long they sometimes waited for seats. We are talking 12-36 hours for the popular destinations. I think some United employee was getting an ego

“United employees” is the key here. They don’t automatically get preference over all passengers - but they do over some passengers, based on fare class, frequent flyer status, et cetera. The “random selection by computer” was likely just a flight attendant’s oblique way of saying that the airline gives employees

Yeah. Sounds shady. If this gets enough attention someone might get reprimanded.

another four people needed to give up their seats for four United employees flying stand-by

I don’t understand how an airliner has so much power over their customers that they can force already-boarded patrons off a plane in order to accommodate someone with a lower-tier ticket type (the lower tier type being a standby ticket, where the ticket holder has agreed to wait for am unclaimed seat).

that you can’t force someone to volunteer, because that’s completely contradictory.