
So do you, if you bought Nintendo’s Switch!

Yeah, it’s pretty sad, really.

Welp, just read this and grabbed my Switch to show her some love....AND IT’S FUCKING WARPED.

Out of desperation I bought Lego City Undercover today. The lack of analog triggers felt game/system breaking for the first time when I got into a car.

These are Only worth playing if you have nothing else. Even the VITA has better options to tie me over and just play persona 5 at home. Nothing to play on the switch till WonderBoy.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

On one hand... I hate what Maradona has become since he stopped playing and I want him to lose...

On the other hand... Fuck Konami

Well, that explanation seems to be ironclad... 

Something X Something Kickstarter incoming.


so that was a typo. Dammit, got excited at the idea of a famous trans actor in Japan.

This is the strategy Nintendo has used since they started selling the NES. Take a look at The Ultimate History of Video Games by Steven Kent or Console Wars by Blake Harris.

Given that this is a Disney-owned game, the prospect of being banned for discussing Inside Out is a little hilarious.

Exactly, how can it be flying off of shelves when every store I have gone into and spoke with management (various GamesStops, Targets, Walmarts, a Costco, an Amazon rep) have all told me the same thing, that they received the innitial stock for release but have seen no shipments since.

That’s because that everybody are people that have something to be gained by eating and reproducing that bullshit. Namely money. It’s the same as a furniture store saying that their tables suck. They won’t. A furnitures store’s products are furniture. A websites product are articles. Many people tend to forget that.

It’s all sort of meaningless though since demand outweighs supply for not just Switch, but for all recent Nintendo hardware launches

Yeah it’s really interesting how Kotaku tries to hype/white knight/glofify everything and pretends to completely forget about comparing thisto previous generations consoles and the competition. All for the clicks on this website. I notice I keep gettign more and more frustrated by this attitude many websites adopt.

Does anyone have a beat on the 4K Blu-ray demand in Japan.? I feel like XB1 could move way more units if they position themselves with THAT audience instead. That is of course, if said audience actually exists. Because really, when the Wii U is outselling you, you’re doing something wrong.

Is that the cowboy bebop ship?

At least one person did