I’m glad they realized that reality looks kinda boring by itself and needs a little helping along. Games where the graphics are actually just aiming for realism tend to feel pretty lifeless. It’s good that they figured out a way to have photorealistic graphics that are actually stylistically beautiful, not just hi-res.
Horizon Zero Dawn is a beautiful game. Sometimes, it seems too beautiful. Here’s how the developers achieved such an…
This really should be the first comment for all similar incidents where someone goes on a tirade and a private organization decides to distance themselves from that person.
100% correct. this is a move from a marketing standpoint that makes complete and total sense
You and I watched very different Reveals.
Totally agree.
Their statement read like a political sort of thing, dodging using the word defect because then there’d have to be a recall of some sort.
Nintendo Switch: “Zelda”
It really concerned me that the attitude of Nintendo fans in the run up to the Switch’s launch has been “Please give us port of game X”.
Oh, I find it hilarious.
Trying to find discussion about this that doesn’t devolve into shitposting and crashing into rabid nintendo fanboy is almost impossible nowadays, I hold out to buy switch till they announce new monster hunter which would be an absolute buy from me and my friend but lo and behold, the new mhxx is exclusive for 3ds and…
See, I was bitching yesterday about this and got impaled in the comments. You can’t stop the fanboys, but seriously...my raspberry pi covers all these old ports. And face it, retro games- most do not age well. I support that switch should get some real games.And that the rumor of Pokémon in fall of 2018, that is not…
The craziest part of their conspiracy theory? That one person is responsible for all the animations in a AAA game.
Time is usually the biggest factor, imo.
Not only is this despicable, it’s testament to how ignorant and stupid these cretins are. Bad animation can be the result of slow tools, unfriendly tech, limited staff resources, and countless other factors (including but not limited to the fact that getting human faces to feel “human” is really friggin’ hard). That’s…
Wow do I hate gamers like this. I know there are bad apples in every kind of hobby/fandom/whatever, but man oh man is this particular brand of bullshit getting way too common for my liking.
Now I have to wonder what the fuck he did to manage to be the lone white guy (I assume) at Nintendo of Japan.
No one has seen her live because she is not alive. It’s bad because music was about human talent and achievement, collective emotion. She has none of that because she has no talent, can’t achieve, and has no emotion. It’s all kinda gross in a Scarlet Johansen sex doll way.
Comparing Hatsune Miku to cyberpunk is the biggest affront to cyberpunk I have seen in a hell of a long time.