Somebody called him an unforced error-ass nigga. I DIED.
Somebody called him an unforced error-ass nigga. I DIED.
At some point, we’ll be able to talk like fam and admit that we never truly believed him in the first place. That’s not today.
Well, for one, he lied about having a degree in chemical engineering for NO.REASON.WHATSOEVER. Oh, and he believes that 1x1=2.
Personally, I thought it was one of Empire’s b-scripts. When are we going to admit that this story never made ANY sense in the first place?
Thank you! Mo’Nique complaining about being paid to promote her project for the studio would be like me complaining that I don’t get bonus money for parent-teacher conferences or car duty. That’s a part of my job. You’re EXPECTED to do those things, ya big dummy!!!
But-but-but she has an Oscar! She’s a LEH-GEND!
I wouldn’t give the cops my phone, either, And I hate that the press is trying to make it look like Jussie is lying because of that. There are far, FAR better reasons to cock an eyebrow than that.
I think *something* happened, but that whoever let the story out was the one who added all the extraneous bullshit and now Jussie is stuck with this bullshit story.
Well, Terrence Howard claimed to have a Ph.D. and that dude never even finished undergrad. Then again, THIS guy ain’t Terrence.
K104 *is* Dallas. Has been all my life. This is a big, biiiig “fuck you”.
Done. Can s/he be blocked outright so I don’t have to keep skipping through his or her ridiculous whining?
We don’t care.
Grace and Nick Rye were my two. I LOVED Grace! Another reason why the end broke my heart so bad.
Shiiiit. Janet should get about $20m herself. Yeah, it’s couch change for her, but still.
No surprise there. Look at how long it took for them to fess up that they were bullshitting about the potency of crack.
On the flip side, my doc *did* prescribe opioids after wrist surgery. I took that shit exactly one time and said I’d rather deal with the pain than feel that out of sorts ever again. How people are able to actually function on that shit (or “function”, rather), I have no idea. (And I’m glad you’re as op-free as I am!)
IIRC, Myrtle was framed for the acid attack on Cordelia.
Not only was she burned at the stake, Myrtle ORDERED Cordelia to do so (b/c Myrtle had killed the other two witches on the Council). So why would she agree to return?