Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

*sobbing with joy*

Nike shoes AND Nike socks. Fuck outta here with this bullshit. You want to rebel to show what a big girl you are, then cry to the media because you don’t want to accept your punishment. Talk about the ZENITH of #firstworldproblems.

It helps a fuckton! Thanks!

I wonder how many condoms is considered a “shitload”?

Lord, I’ve never wanted to punch a picture in the face so damn bad... the blue he talking about!?!? It’s like he took random-ass words and names and made a song. He should’ve called it Purple Monkey Dishwasher.

This dude PLEA BARGAINED to 56 years!!?? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!!! EVERY fuck...did you shatter your arm in six places?

Oh! And Mary (Reign), along with the implied rapes/assaults of Catherine de Medici (Reign), and Annaliese Keating, her mother, and two (I think) other female relatives (How...Murder).

The way they so passionately defend their rape scenes...scary.

Add Mellie Grant from Scandal, which is when I stopped watching the show. (In fairness, it was already starting to suck.) And that’s just TELEVISION.

Three. Recall the wedding night of the little blonde chick (don’t remember her name) where she is sobbing while her husband is raping her. In the book, he is very kind and gentle with her, even though they do not share a language, and he does NOT begin to have sex with her until she is ready and makes her consent very

This is why I hate when people say stuff like “watch how a man treats his mother”. The best thing my bae ever did (other than choose me as his boo) was to cut his mother off.

That’s exactly what happened to Fannie Lou Hamer, badass extraordinaire. And she wasn’t even pregnant - she was having a tumor removed.

Not if you want to raise your own personal live-in maid from jump.

Absolutely this. Imagine if the local cops knew Eric Garner, a dude most people in the neighborhood knew as a good guy.

the problem isn't race it's aggressive cops wielding their power in an abusive fashion

I will take my fat white ass and be an ally for those that care to have my support.

Now playing

I did. And I find it amusing that you are only willing to engage the people who are kissing your fat white ass instead of telling to sit your fat white ass down and stop Deeboing the conversation to make it all about you. Then again, white women are notorious for that kind of thing - you see women of color being

That explains your cluelessness, then.