Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

I remember that! Didn't they have to get their marriage license or something? That was around the time my mother realized that she had no idea where the hell hers was.

Have you guys ever considered acknowledging the fact that Kinja is an utter goddamned failure?

That's when it'll magically disappear.

Now playing

I blame Intro, Adina Howard, Jodeci and SWV's "Downtown."

What the FUCK is the degree printed in - platinum!?!? I spend $100K on anything, it better have a roof and a minimum of three bedrooms.

I haven't said any of the above. I don't think she's even smart enough to objectify or dehumanize anybody.

"Excusing white feminism"? Go back to the Beyhive with this illogical bullshit.

Now playing

My mom was all "we'll give your money back; we were just going to see Bobby" and I'm all "WOMAN WE WILL FIGHT IN THE STREET AND IT WILL BE ON WORLD STAR HIP HOP IF YOU DON'T GET IN THAT CAR." Heck, I barely remember Bobby in NE. Everybody knows that NE didn't get REALLY large until the Heartbreak album anyway.

Bey's problems are that she started believing her hype, like Jay-Z did. I mean, he really thought he was Obama's equal. Bey sees herself in the same light as Michelle and Oprah, despite lacking the education, life experience or overall savvy. Now she wants to be seen as a feminist, and wants to be taken seriously, but

Old news.

*pulls out Janet Jackson career blueprint* Actually, she needs to go through a deep, depressed period first. The divorce comes later. Right now, she's still in the "newfound sexuality and freedom" phase that done so much better over 20 years ago, as so-called black feminists forgot in their zeal to attack anybody who

That's how I was feeling about Bobby Brown on the New Edition Tour. Bastard quit the day before the Dallas show. Guess who had just scraped up the money to buy tickets for her parents to go to the show? They went, and they enjoyed it tremendously, but I'm still pissed.

I really want to know who these black girls are. I teach black girls, and you would think that Beyonce would be the be-all and end-all in my class and my school. She's not. WHITE GIRLS love Beyonce. My hand to God, I didn't even know Beyonce was relevant in America until the Super Bowl. None of my girls (and I'm

I'm pretty sure the reaction would have been the same had someone said Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus.

The singular pop star in the world right now is a black woman. The most influential person in the world is a black woman. The most powerful celebrity in entertainment is a black woman. If you are not a black woman, that importance can easily be lost on you.

And if he went out and did the same, she'd be somewhere mad as hell.

Titanfall? Shit, I'm still playing Skyrim.

I can't be the only one who thinks she's a mediocre actress, right?

"Infuriating" is right. All that talent, wasted. We never even found out why Marie hated the witches so much that she broke the truce & tried to have them all killed.

I can't get into this game for SHIT. And I've tried!