I don't remember this trend in the slightest.
I don't remember this trend in the slightest.
Watching white women get all butthurt over the fabolousness of an Oscar award-winning actress (one of the few black women to ever receive one) is going to be the highlight of my weekend. Crackas gon' crack, as usual.
just very noticeable.
I know he's trolly as fuck, but I really like Lance. He has a great sense of humor.
Modular power supplies, bro/sis. Totally worth the extra money, especially if you're building an HTPC.
I did not write that and I did not mean that.
But the photo was staged to inflame white people.
Oh, those wouldn't make her uncomfortable at all. Just the black people.
We all know that our country treated African Americans (and other races) very badly in the past
Yes, my entire point is that he didn't try to start that conversation.
B:AO was...fine. Just felt more like a long-ass DLC than an actual separate game. And that "rebuild the crime scene" crap? Just awful.
Amazon is a godsend when you're a woman. I only go to Fry's when it's absolutely necessary - as in "my PC is on fire" necessary.
Followed by later on down the line, when you have to replace everything all at once. Lord knows I hung on to my overclocked E8400 setup until it was impossible to do so. And don't get me started on cases. I don't care how old my Zalman HD135 is - it still looks great. But now, with my new setup, it turns out that…
That loud CRAAAACKKKK!!!!! it makes scares me every single time.
Ooh, I haven't played Skyrim in a hot minute. *grabs controller*
We're on the same side. I'm just saying that as much as I'm sure the View ladies want to call that kid everything short of a child of God, they legally can't, and they'd be absolutely crazy to do so. But yeah, fuck all this "alleged" shit - the bastard isn't even denying it.
Whoopi? "Rape-rape" Whoopi?
LAWD, I wish Quanell X would just fucking die.
It's fine for you to give no fucks - Lord know I don't, either - but giving no fucks is the kind of thing that leads to that Zimmerman lawsuit, where he sued for defamation of character. (And lost, thank goodness.)