Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

I teach 5th, although I'm up for a 6-8 ETEC job. (Translation: computer teacher. Good thing that this master's degree is being put to hot use.) The lil' uns are so cute and so loving...and so, so needy. My certification is 4-8, and nobody understands why I refuse to sit for the EC-6 exam. NAW, bawse.

Oh, yes. Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. I rest my case.

But what's most important for me is bringing one trophy back to Northeast Ohio.

I wanted to stick with this so bad, but it's way too much work to NOT teach. That's the worst part. I'd gladly give my life for this thing of ours if they would just leave us the hell alone and let us do our jobs. But their constant interference, then blaming us for the scores being shit...naw, bawse. I didn't kill

How's the house? Unless it was the house of some notorious drug lord (cuz I'm not dying in a case of mistaken identity), I would have to just say a prayer and be done.

Ah, well, shit. Y'all win!!!!

What, you don't consider praying for rain as a type of water distribution?

"Education" doesn't qualify you for shit.

I don't buy her shit for a minute. I've spent many a day in a welfare office. Number one, you can't really see the parking lot from inside no more than you can see it from the DMV office. You'll see a bunch of cars, but that's about all. Number two, NOBODY gives a shit because we're too busy in our own mountain of

If y'all don't live in Texas, I don't want to hear jack shit about your governor. Our fucking governor has a bachelor's in ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. Think about that. My broke, ratchet ass has more education than the fucking governor! I don't even think he dropped out of law school or anything - he just flat out didn't

And that was the thing with this kid. I don't even think he was getting his rocks off - he just liked to have my attention. If I ignored him, he won. If I talked to him, he won. If the co-teacher told him to stop, he won. Sent him to the office, he won (and got sent back within minutes). Threatened to press charges,


Lucky you. I had a student sexually harassing me, and all I heard about was how it was my fault because he was in the 5th grade. Even the assistant superintendent insisted it was because of the clothes I wore. Mind you, he'd never met me.

Can't speak for her, but I have no problem mocking you outright. If you want to make a post or write an article about how bitches be lyin', that's one thing. What you are doing is derailing a topic that already exists. THAT is why few fucks are being given.

I think he was arrested and released.

I believe the Mafia has a head start on rappers.

Well, shit. Dude is snitching on himself. It's just that he's got the complexion for protection.

You stupid fucks with this goddamn picture...trigger warning, much? I swear, this site STAYS fucking up.

OMG. This is starting to spread in the black community, and the results can be downright ridiculous. We can't all have asses like Trina (who STILL has the best ass in the game).

And lord knows not offending white people should be our guiding star.