Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Exactly this. If she uses her privilege for good, I have no problem with it. I don't begrudge her for it at all.


Why can't men play three?

Which is why her earning 7x more than Serena does is the most mind-boggling thing on the planet. How many times in a row has Serena waxed dat ass again? 13?

You obviously have never taught grades 4-6. :)

No, seriously. 10-12 are the "first everything" years. First period, first bra, first time shaving, first makeup (that isn't in the dress code)'s like every day is one long-ass Judy Blume novel. Then you add in social media...*sigh*

I'm so happy that it wasn't a monkey that I didn't even notice the giraffe.

The reason black writers hate Whitlock is simple: He has the balls to suggest that there might be issues beyond racism affecting the black community.

I don't think she valued Suzanne at all. I think she saw her vulnerabilities and played them to the hilt. Brava, Ms. Toussaint, because I've NEVER hated anyone on TV more than I've hated you.

Not to mention that they're not all "from the hood" sob stories that you would have expected. Cindy had a government job, Poussey was a military brat, Watson was a track star and Crazy Eyes was as just as privileged growing up as Chapman (minus being a an adopted girl of color with clueless parents, of course).

A sub in NYC gets paid $154 a day.

"I'm so glad my district made earning a master's degree a requirement!" - no teacher in any district, ever.

As someone who will complete my M.Ed. this August, I can tell you that it is the most useless piece of paper I've ever had the misfortune of being forced to get - ESPECIALLY considering the amount of work it's taken to get that raggedy piece of shit degree. At least I'm not paying for it. If I was, I'd be downright

This is so damn wrong...

If Jean Grey is the worst thing in this movie, I assume Storm doesn't make an appearance.

Any future misconduct of this nature will result in your termination of employment.

Except that black men got to vote before white women.

My head is over here half exploded. "But that's not me...never mind. Y'all are just gonna fuck it up anyway."

Beautiful hijack. Just beautiful. #thewhiteofway

Followed by "Can you drop me off at...?"