Exactly this. I hate dressing for work, especially since our principal doesn't even allow khakis. And the shoes? I STILL can't figure out what to wear to keep my feet from screaming for mercy, no matter how flat the heel.
Exactly this. I hate dressing for work, especially since our principal doesn't even allow khakis. And the shoes? I STILL can't figure out what to wear to keep my feet from screaming for mercy, no matter how flat the heel.
Oh, absolutely. That's the thing about kids: they think they know, but they don't know. They think they could handle an adult/child relationship. They think it's because they're special or mature, but it's really because the teacher thinks they can be manipulated. Which most children and teenagers CAN be, easily. It…
As both a feminist and a teacher, there is nothing that boils my blood more than an educator who violates this thing of ours. If I was a despicable, vile piece of monkey spunk who wanted to prey on a student (boy OR girl), I would know exactly which one(s) to choose. I would know what to say to make them think that…
I'm so used to honkems being honkems that I didn't bat an eye at the blackface. The dead animals, however, make me REALLY sad.
UGH. That remind me of Saved by the Bell, when Lisa was supposed to be mad, she put on this terrible blaccent, complete with neck-rolling and finger snapping. Even as a kid, I knew that was bullshit.
HA! You obviously don't live in Texas. If you ever want to see a bunch of women working passionately against their own interests, come down to Lone Star State.
I didn't even need the ally to step up. Just watching the crowd turn on this guy was awesome.
Are we really celebrating this?
It's not fear mongering, or victim blaming
Yeah, she pretty much lost me at $60,000.
Against WHAT? Playing pranks on your friends? Walking to the store for a bag of candy? Listening to music? What, exactly, are we telling our kids not to do?
Had the kids been trying to do this to an adult's car - a neighbor they were mad at or a teacher who failed them, for example - I'd be inclined to agree with you. But this was just a prank being pulled on a friend, and a retaliatory prank at that. They were just getting some getback, you know? I don't think this…
I also think it might be some sort of mental distancing. As in, "Well, MY child would never do such a thing or be out so late at night, so that would never happen to MY child." Except last I checked, both Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin were doing normal teen shit at normal teen hours. Good pranks tend to happen at…
My grandfather is like that. Five sons, four felons (including my father), and he hates my Aunt Roger - the Air Force veteran with the good job and loving partner of nearly 30 years.
I'm reminded of Ned Flanders from The Simpsons saying that he does all the stuff in the Bible, including the stuff that contradicts the other stuff.
Remember when gays were going to be the destruction of the U.S. military? No? Exactly. It's like people don't even bother to talk to the very people involved, choosing to get offended on their behalf. My 1st Sergeant was so gay that he shit Skittles, and not as much as 1/128th of a single fuck was given. Professional…
Are we really marching for the right for black people to shove mouthy fans in the stands? Fuck what was said. You don't let anyone mess with your (future) guap! Smart was...well, smart. He took responsibility for his part and apologized, which is why I think he got a short suspension (which was fair) and, IMO, will…