I'll read what I want and call him whatever I damn well please. What are you going to do about it?
I'll read what I want and call him whatever I damn well please. What are you going to do about it?
I've had to deal with my own family lamenting over the fact that I won't date a black woman.
Do black people wash their hair?
Added because that sounded a bit harsh: this could work as an educational game, and I understand the premise, even if the idea makes me cock my eyebrow. The first thing I thought wasn't "Wow, how horrible slavery was," but "Wow, this is like A Boy and his Blob".
I wasn't aware that slavery could be so entertaining. #thewhiteofway
My grandfather had a sign on his door that said FEMALES WEARING PANTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THIS CHURCH. Apparently, that rule was for easy access, because when he died, the family met his 24-year-old daughter. (I'm 31.)
My great-grandmother was all sanctified by the time I came around, but she was a foul-mouthed mama in my mom's day. She had a time when she came in really late, and her grandmother yelled, "It's four in the morning! The hoes came in at three!" This was standard fare.
But you're not everyone. You're a nobody. Stay in your place and you'll be much happier.
At this point, you'd be hard pressed to find many women of color to write here.
That tap-dancing, white knighting suck up who is bursting with #DonLemonLogic? I'd rather it be ignored entirely.
In other words, nothing. LOL @ you trying to give orders.
No. I'm not going to calm down. Whatcha gon' do about it, honeychile?
You do that. *yawn* I don't know what it's like to cape for white women, so I admit that most of your apologist bullshit is going my head. But I *am* impressed with your ability to type and tap dance at the same time.
You're not worth the effort.
starkruzr is not somebody I would ever wish to call an ally (and neither are you, to be honest). That's what people don't understand, yourself included. If s/he is an ally, I'd hate to see what our enemies look like. My mistake was encouraging her to seek out information on her on. In the future, I'm going to simply…
D'awwww, look. The tone police is here, and it talks like it thinks it's people!
There's no "thought of" to it. They absolutely did. They also ran off or outright banned some of the best WOC commenters and writers here. IIRC, that's how Racialicious was formed.
You really think that WOC will be writing for Jez at this point? Shit, even Dodai Stewart might develop some pride and stop being this site's pet Negro.
Most people also like to have it handed to them.