Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

I think she's past amends. This isn't even an apology. This is a FUCK YO FEELINGS post. A straight up kiss off. A middle finger pointed to women of color - and worst of all, at feminists of color who have labored like hell to try to work with white feminists, something I've said for years is a HUGE mistake. (There's

Actually, you ARE defending Hugo. Additionally, what you are doing is very typical whitesplaining. "I demand that you show me evidence of what you are saying in order for me to decide whether or not it is valid." Oh, DID do a cursory glance, and you got "very angry" blogs without enough salacious details

We were talking about this over the weekend - how loud the silence was from the white feminist press - and I predicted that Jezebel would be the main one to fuck up in ways unparalleled. But I wasn't expecting anything THIS insulting.

Are you serious? Is Google broken on your computer, or are you just that damn lazy?

And bipolar. Don't forget bipolar. Because apparently one cannot be bipolar AND an attention grabbing douchebag. It's always one or the other.

It is when you're a white feminist publication who has been told for years and years that Hugo in feminist spaces was detrimental to abuse survivors, not to mention co-opting the archaic views of past feminists who worked like hell to block the black vote.

How about feeling bad for his victims? Have you tried that?

Do you guys ever, like, NOT fuck up when it comes to addressing issues concerning women of color? This piece is everything - and I mean EVERY MOTHERFUCKING THING - wrong with feminism as far as WOC are concerned. Black Twitter is going to drag this place for filth.

I would also throw in "don't go out with a guy who asks you out via text message".

When I was dating I used to grab the (whole - I can't stand check splitting) check if and only if I knew I was not interested in a second date.

Double standards are a bitch, but this one doesn't bother me. The worst one will think about a man for letting a woman pay for him is that he's weak or soft. The worst one will think about a woman for letting a man pay for her is that if she gets raped that night - which is a very real possibility - it was probably

Whoever asks, pays. That's the most fair to me. But yes, I will poke fun at men who whine about the double standard. You know good and hell well that Axe body spray does not constitute an expensive cologne, and your Air Force 1s didn't cost didn't cost any more than mine did. You sound like a little child.

Look! A wild dudebro approaches!

Definitely. And that's not to say that you have to pay for EVERYTHING. If you pay for dinner, I'll kick in the tip. You buy movie tickets, I'll get popcorn, and so on. But for the most part? Whoever asks, pays.

That's exactly the way I feel about it. The fuck outta here with this bullshit. My conditioner probably costs more than anything he has to put on for the entire fucking date. If I'm pulling out my wallet on a date, it means I'm not planning on seeing you again.

Lord, yes. No, I do NOT want a pink Nintendo DS. It will not match my Dallas Cowboys sticker or Texas Tech logo. In fact, I don't want a DS in the first fucking place!

I don't care what anybody says. That song is creepy as fuck.

Because we have to wait 6-8 months to get it. :)