Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

EXACTLY. Meanwhile, I'm debating whether or not going to a Trayvon Martin rally could be a possible detriment to my life.

In this case I was specifically trying to address the idea that "all white people do X" - how should I have responded to that without saying, "I'm white"?

See this, white women? This shit right here? This is what an ally looks like.

For me, as a white woman...


Hmmm, that's interesting. See, you originally said, I'm tired of being eyeballed/catcalled/groped on the streets. Now you're saying that's not your problem. And don't get me started on your rural area that has no running water, but has internet access. Guess what - my dad grew up in Appalachia, and not by choice (as

Way to take a message about Eurocentrcism and poverty and make it all about you.

This looks like it's going to be harrrrrd to watch. I may have to cheer for it from a distance. I love Amanda Seyfried, and Peter Sarsgaard continues to be criminally underrated.

Lisicki-Bartoli. Talk about your must-miss of the year. I'm going to root for Bartoli simply because she's older. Sabine's young and has plenty of time to win a title.

That would probably be your best bet. And again, I encourage you to use this amazing tool called the internet, which will be of much more use to you than random intarwebz sociologists.

Ugh. My hair is never going to look like that, and I've been natural for damn near a decade.

It's the lipstick. That lipstick is way too dark for her makeup. Had it been a pink/rose color, then she would look like some kind of sunkissed dewdrop. As it is, she looks washed out.

I'm curious. Is Google broken on your computer, or do you just automatically go to the Ask a Negro tactic when you want to learn about black people?

but is it significant that she's in a pool with a wet hair?

My boyfriend bought it for me for Valentine's Day. I've played it, like...twice. I feel awful.

What the hell do they even need for? It's not like they're going to use it to announce any new games or anything!

ROBSON IS OUT!?!?!? Goddamn it...I was JUST posting about how much I like her.

She should've blamed herself. I've seen players beat the brakes off Serena...that did NOT happen today.

Honestly, Serena didn't deserve to win. I was disgusted just watching her, and I'm not sure that I would've bothered watching the next round. I mean, I can forgive the first set loss. But when you win the second set 6-1 and you're up 4-1 in the third and you lose, you deserve to have every one of your Grand Slams