Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

To be fair, that evidence didn't come out until after her death, when her partner was listed in her obituary. Her own advisers warned her against bringing any female companions with her along the campaign trail. Barbara mentioned her extensively in her autobiography (she all but printed the text in rainbow colors) and

God, no. Every time a white person wants to do some serious soul searching, black people are expected to hold their hands and walk them down the path of racial enlightenment. Fuck THAT shit. That's what Google is for. Search deez.

To be fair, those tears don't seem to be working thus fair. You've got her defenders and whatnot, but the powers that be ain't buyin' this shit.

I don't know, Matt.

My parents got married on my mom's lunch break - the court house was about 10 minutes from her job. Why the sudden rush? Because they'd been living together for nearly four years and my mom told him that he had one year to put a ring on it or pack his shit. Their anniversary - I kid you not - is December 28th. Now

Barbara Jordan as well. It hurt my heart to have to teach a lesson on Barbara and be explicitly forbidden by the school to mention that she was a lesbian - even though she had been with her partner for longer than any of us had been alive - and that if I was asked about it (as 5th graders tend to ask about marital

That's the thing about affirmative action, it's necessary. But no one wants to feel they got an opportunity because of the arbitrary color of their skin. It makes you feel less than.

GodDAMN!!! UT makes it sound like any transfer student with a certain amount of hours from a Texas school and a certain GPA will get in. 4.0 AND employed? UT is on some bullshit!

That still wouldn't guarantee that she would've been one of the five - count 'em, FIVE - minority students who were let in because of race. Chances are that another white kid would've been promoted over her mediocre ass.

It is the music of the people who will not be slaves again!

I've read so many tone deaf accounts about how "awesome" and "cool" it must have been to stand up for civil rights, even if it meant being jailed. Well, some of them are about to find out just how "cool" it is. (Read: it's not.)

Not stupid at all. I had the same question.

My mom was a bit more precise: "You and I are about to have words." Awww, shit.

At this time, I am grateful to my largely young, white allies, disrupting shit up in IN the place. Heaven knows that had this been held in Detroit or Chicago...shiiiiiiiiiiiit. If you're going to have white privilege, this is a wonderful way to use it - fighting for the freedom of ALL women. Honestly, I'd be too

Perhaps they should cringe a little more loudly, then.

I'm not a brah.

I'm going to pretend that you aren't some pasty hick from Bumfuck, Iowa who landed on this planet six months ago. To ether somebody means to destroy them to a point that they cannot recover, as Jay-Z was unable to recover from Nas' Ether dis many years ago. Even though Hov went on to become one of the most heralded

Must be a Masha fan.

I totally agree. We all know what happened the last time these two played on grass, right?