This year's Wimbledon beatdown is going to make the '12 Olympic finals look like a close match.
This year's Wimbledon beatdown is going to make the '12 Olympic finals look like a close match.
Apparently Deadspin does not know the meaning of the word "ether." Here, let me help.
(I couldn't, even if I tried, after furtively reading Paulo Freire and trying to figure shit out whilst waxing philosophical about identity with my gender queer boss in grad school).
You know what reeeeally sucks about all this, aside from Jezebel's attempt to ride this horse until it collapses and dies? We have to deal with the mere idiots - of which Serena is one ("Let's talk about drinking!"), the body shamers ("har har SHE LOOK-A LIKE MAN") and the flat out racists. It's funny (funny sad, not…
ITA! There's a difference between being hard and being "Nintendo hard," which is sometimes equivalent to "poorly done in the first place."
I couldn't believe when it was announced they were going to be a freaking house band, but it's really worked out wonderfully for them. Such an amazing group of musicians.
I dunno...when they were the house band for Pierre Delacroix named The Alabama Porch Monkeys, I was a bit upset. (skip to 40:54)
But the smart thing is to make yourself as less of a target as possible, and I think it's obvious she didn't do that.
No, you mean you thought I was ready to go on a victim-blaming tangent like you have. Sorry, no dice.
Yes it is rape, which is a terrible crime that no one should be subjected to, and no one can ever 100 percent protect themselves from crime.
You're thinking of Texas Southern University. It's an excellent school - my cousin got a degree in Physics there, IIRC - but you ain't kidding about the differences. I went to Florida A&M in Tallahassee, and it's about four miles from Florida State. You look at those two schools together and you would swear we were…
Of course we are, RiahJ. Wimbledon is coming up soon, and Serena has been getting WAY too uppity lately. And God knows it's not like Maria Sharapova is going to win on her own merit. Hell, look at the so-called "journalism" here. Serena never once said that girl was asking for it, but how else can you whip up a bunch…
Dear GOD, please stop saying, "Can we talk about this whole drinking thing for a minute?" NO, dammit. No, we cannot. Stop using Serena's dumb-ass statements as an excuse to stop making your own dumb-ass statements. I'll say to you to say thing I would say to Serena and have said to others in the past: even if you…
Her agent might have put her up to it. I'm proud of her for apologizing - Lord knows it took a five-figure fine for her to apologize back at the '09 Open - but I agree that it's awkward as fuck. And if she's not sorry, she really should have said nothing.
I hate everybody right now.
To be fair, what Serena said was epically stupid. Epically. I mean, geeeez. But she's ignorant, not malicious. Even her idiotic statements were more questions than anything. She sure as hell didn't say anything to effect of "the victim was asking for it." That's not even a misquote. That's a lie. Katie must be a…
Welcome to the '00s, Jezebel. #twothousandandlate
Nobody gives two fucks what Serena said, just that Serena said it. If Sharapova or Azarenka had said this, it would be time for education and dismay. But Serena said it, so she should lose her livelihood. Girl's getting a little too uppity nowadays.
I believe she's also not much of a drinker. You don't really have to drink that much to pass out/black out if you're a light drinker. The first time I went out drinking with friends in college, I didn't even drink that much and I woke up in the guys' dorm - surprisingly unraped. Yes, fellas, it IS possible!