Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

True, but if she passes out and they have sex with her, that IS rape. Let's not split hairs about that.

declaring Serena says the girl was "asking for it" is a bit of a stretch at the least.

I think it's also a big issue because Serena is such a role model to girls and women.

Good luck with THAT.

JezeFAIL strikes again. Where did Serena say that the victim was asking for it? Serena's comments were ignorant enough without you sticking words in her mouth. At least Deadspin quoted her directly - Jezebel's just making up shit.

*sigh* Jezebel lives to fail another day. Can't wait until y'all get to the Serena Williams debacle.

*falls the fuck out laughing*

I read that like...five times and STILL don't understand what her point was.

Don't forget that they still let that douchebag, Hugo whatshisname, write there. And have we already forgotten their defending the Yale dudebros AND that awful article about how sexual harassment in France is no big deal? Let's also not forget the whole Gabby Douglas thing - how Jezebel turned a few lone morons on

LOLing at all this frothing outrage. I'm sure that the press back would be just as bad if Maria had said something this stupid.

I hate to admit this, but the truth is that if I talked to upper class white kids the same way I talk to my poor black kids, I'd probably be on the bread lines. Could you imagine how little Bratleigh's parents would act a fool if she told them that I told her that I simply didn't care what she was thinking at the

Don't worry. When my book, Whiskey in the Teacher's Lounge, hits the shelves, I'll send you a free copy

I'm not big on corporal punishment as a hard and fast rule, but I *do* think that Chris Rock had it right when he said that every child needs four key whippings: the lying whipping, the cheating whipping, the stealing whipping, and the disrespectful whipping. Those whippings are key to life. You get those four in

My best friend is the same way. Love her to DEATH, but I haven't gone to a movie with her since Jackie Brown.

Fuck, double post.

It works well with teaching, too. In teacher's ed, we were taught that when you get loud to quiet your class, they'll just get louder. We were taught to work on our non-verbal skills - a way of getting the class to lower their voices without shouting over them. This was probably some of the best advice I ever

Holy FUCK, are you still talking to me? Why?

"Traumatizing?" "Power struggle?" How do you have a power struggle with someone who has no power? Stop. Just STOP. It's obvious that you neither have any children, nor do you work with any - and it's strongly suggested that you've never met one.

You don't have to rationalize like an adult to know that when you make bad choices, you get consequences. STOP SAYING STUPID SHIT. The girl wasn't getting the attention she felt she deserved because her father was doing something. He didn't owe her "a couple of seconds." Tell her to sit her ass the fuck down.

but the language you're using implies to me that you were afraid of the repercussions of disobeying your mother...