Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

I just got back from Spain. Let's just say that Spanish clothes are not designed for a black woman's ass - or ANYBODY with some ass, for that matter.

I just bought Rocksmith last week for $30. Un. Fucking. Believable.

Take my money! TAKE IT!!!!

You know what's "wrong" with your kid? She's a kid. Her brain does not work like an adult brain. She doesn't know the reason you are on the phone with your dad talking about fixing windows, and she doesn't care. She doesn't know what "what is wrong with you" means, or that anything about her behaviour is "wrong". She

Not a pussy at all. My head would've gone clean through a wall over that kind of behavior, and that would've been the end of that shit. I'm working towards a Master's in Special Education, so I can't condone that kind of thing, but it's pretty much either have to acknowledge it right then and there, or

"No bottom crust? This is whitefolkscobbler." - Me, three minutes ago

Now playing

Allow the great Millie Jackson to express how I'm feeling towards these rapey dudebros right now.

"Perception is a motherfucker." - Drill Sergeant Washington, 1999.

I could sworn "cease conversation with me" is a pretty clear indication that I have no desire to have a productive conversation with John Boy Walton here. Why does it bother white people so much when people of color don't want to hold their hands and escort them down the path of racial enlightenment? Google that bitch.

I could have chosen to educate. But I didn't. Which is my choice.

ONLY through the abuse of power, eh? Is that all? Just that one itty-bitty thing? Good GOD, you are the very kind of white male that makes me limit my interactions with white people to an absolute bare-ass minimum.

We were always equal? Are you out of your fucking mind?

"Not a musical expert..."

But white men DID fuck everything up. You'll forgive me if I'm not shedding a tear for the poor, poor white males of America.

Skyrim is for PC. Period.

Not nearly as bold, but I remember Judy Hoffs on 21 Jump Street discussing her abortion. When asked if she regretting having one, she said she regretting being put into the position of having to get one. I thought that was super awesome, especially since we're talking about the 1980s here.

You shittin' me? I live in Texas. I wouldn't be surprised if the top 10 highest paid employees weren't coaches.

No. That's what makes Sloane sound so stupid. Especially since she was the one going on and on and on about it. There's an interview w/Serena around the end of January where she says flat out that "mentor" wasn't the word she would use.

I did my first three years at a historically black college...barely made a B in Black History (which is mandatory at most HBCUs) because I graduated from a Texas high school - and therefore, didn't know shit. Transferred to Honky University and skated through history classes writing about black topics, because I knew