Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Aww, I thought the PDF was going to be the Richard Scarry book in all its adorable glory.

I was 90 hours in before I reached the Greybeards, and I considered the game "beaten" once I became the head of the Thieves' Guild. Dragons? Who gives a fuck?

I hate that the jury gets so much crap for being the "dumbest jury ever" and whatnot. Really, they made the right call.

Instead, they have to be 3-dimensional characters who are influenced by, but not solely defined by, their race.

Hmmm. In that case, I'm glad my televisions preferences tend to not give a fuck about what white people think about us.

In other words, a show is only a good show if we can imagine the black characters as white?

Blackness is not a character flaw that needs to be overcome, you know.

I definitely grow to like Olivia less and less with each showing.

If Shonda thinks that her show is so wonderful that race doesn't matter, she's fooling herself. If Liv was a white woman and the pres was a black man with a black wife, not only would this show not be NEARLY as popular, black women wouldn't be embracing it so eagerly. This isn't all about seeing a kickass black woman

We're having the same problem, and I'm swearing off my last case of vanilla Coke (again). But it's for good this time. I just got my last dentist bill and wept carbonated water. Seriously, I used to be a 5-can-a-day drinker. I'm down to one or two, but when I saw the x-rays and did the math...shit.

Eh-eh, eh-eh!

Arrrgh, I mean the '92 Panthers BASKETBALL team. I was thinking of their football team at the time - who, if you can believe this - was actually even worse than their basketball team. How bad, you ask? They didn't win a football for nine years. I believe they were 0-44 before they won a game.

Yeah, I'm gonna need receipts on this one. Glover strikes me as the type who would get with anybody BUT a black woman.

Nobody - and I mean NO motherfucking body - was, is, or can be worse than the '92 Panthers football team. This is a fight for second place.

Seconding this shit right here.

True, true, true.

Texas Women’s Health Program

The crazy thing is that one person is doing the majority of the voices. I believe the only ones who are not Patti LaHell are Whitney (retired when she died), Dionne, Christina and Maya Angelou (I think). Sis is mad talented!

Has Nicki even sold 5 mil? Shit, Roman Reloaded was the NINETEENTH biggest seller in 2012.

How is that in any way complicated?