Mariah has ALWAYS self-identified as a black woman.
Mariah has ALWAYS self-identified as a black woman.
And then white people came along and fucked the shit all up. Seriously, who the hell says "throwing shade"? You just shade people. #wheretheydothatat
And then you have to watch Got 2B Real to see celebrity shade...kind of.
Weddings seem to be going out of style with my generation...thank God.
Completely unacceptable. If you can't afford a wedding, don't have one. That's what the courthouse is for.
I'm not defending the words on this video or the people speaking them.
Teach her how to look after and protect herself. Teach her to respect herself. Teach her to have a fucking backbone. Teach her how to drink, when to drink and how much to drink. Teach her what people can and cannot be trusted. Make her into an independent person that doesn't need daddy to scare her boyfriends into…
You can't be serious. Can't be.
Talk about the worst kind of white ally: the kind who doesn't know when to have a fucking seat.
Because lesbians are never abusive assholes!
Azealia Banks makes me miss Foxy Brown.
I tend to say "excuse me?" if a students lets a swear out on accident; never fails to get an apology in return. But if you curse AT me, on the other hand...ohhhhh, that's your butt.
Translation: "I fucked a girl who was way too drunk to tell me no. Thank God the slut kept her mouth shut."
I won't shut the fuck up. Now, what are you going to do about it?
News flash: if a woman was so drunk that she can't remember if she gave you permission to have sex with shouldn't have had sex with her.
Because a woman doesn't have the right to change her mind, right?
Mom and Dad fooled me by getting me a Super Nintendo (a gift that was so far outside of our pay scale that I don't even recall asking for one). It came in this big box, so they put my Dad's name on it and left it under the tree for two weeks. I'll never forget me begging my dad to teach him how to play "his" SNES, and…
*trying not to laugh*
Ohhhh, you're right. That's COMPLETELY different. Let's ignore that whole "the only proper response is to contact this guy" part.
If you can't figure out the difference between having your own show and your own audience and being a general journalist to the general public, there's really no reason for this conversation to go on.