Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

They have their own shows and can talk back to their own audiences. The two don't compare.

how can they possibly do their jobs?

It's sad how Serena Williams is one of the best tennis players in the entire world

don't know when she decided to go natural but with the way the station reaction, my best guess is AFTER she was hired.

"I had a meeting with my ND [news director] and GM [general manager] Friday trying to get my job back," Lee said. "They told me the policy I violated isn't written down, but was mentioned in a newsroom meeting about a month-and-a-half prior. A meeting I didn't attend. So when I asked what rule did I break there isn't

But there weren't enough people hating on her hair for it to become a story. Jezebel took a non-issue - random idiots on the internet - and made it one.

D11 is agriculture.

Wow. Way to get the whole damn story wrong.

I make a cheese sauce w/flower, milk and butter (and throw on some more cheese & bake it on special occasions), but yeah. This is just too much shit.

There's also Longmire (no remaking the poses, unfortunately):

And thank you so much for not taking the video down even after Jolly and her community's repeated requests.

Could you please explain why women of color reject it?

One, because you're too damn old to be this ignorant, asking black people to hold your hand and guide you down the path of racial enlightenment. Two, because I couldn't give two fucks about the opinion about some random white chick on the internet - and the fact that you think I should amuses the hell out of me.

That first one should be the female version of White Tears.

And as to the women of color who reject feminism in mass numbers...they're just ignorant and need to be educated, too?

Virtually nobody was criticizing her hair. If you venture out into a few black blogs and message boards, you'll find it went something like this.

Jezebel started some "why black women suck" campaign because a few random morons on Twitter made fun of Gabby's hair, and it went national.
