Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Is this what happens when you're homeschooled after the age of 15?

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Cause if you coming at me right with the real cash

*daps* Blackness is not a fucking costume.

I think she's channeling Jim Kelly.

If anything I am paying reverence to the hairstyle and the women and men who wear it naturally.

"Wah! Wah! I don't wannnnnaaaa think about race! It fucks up my lily-white universe!"

Have you ever seen a Shirley Temple film in your LIFE? That girl was as blond as you are idiotic.


What I don't understand is why, if there were only two babies in that category to begin with, didn't the judges just even up the bullshit trophies. I mean, was the other baby THAT good? I can't see it.

The second season has seriously been wack as fuck.

I DEMAND 50 Shades of Shamrock Green.

What if your Latin lover doesn't speak Spanish?

By all means, please tell us more about your experiences as a woman of color with an eati...oh. #whitesplaining101

I definitely don't get the hype. This isn't "like" Diablo 2 - this IS Diablo 2. Hell, even the music sounds alike. That doesn't mean it's not a fun(ish) game, but I have no idea why people are hyping this like it's the third coming. Was D3 THAT bad?

Chile, you couldn't pay me money to sit through another Jennifer Lawrence film. No. Fucking. Way.

In that case, soldiers aren't heroes...teachers aren't heroes...firefighters aren't heroes. There is always going to be somebody who takes the joy out of Jell-O. Today, it's you.

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To hell with the male-idea-of-skinny-beauty - just wear some clothes that FIT. I think that the male-idea-of-skinny-beauty is not the male idea at all, but the Hollywood idea. Most dudes I know couldn't give two fucks about weight and would smash Gaga - ass-full and all - in a heartbeat. Like Katt Williams said, if a

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On first read, I thought this was Timbaland. Oh, well. #zerofucksgiven

My question is, does the girl not have a mirror? Why is she wearing her little sister's stockings? Had she not been running around all butt-booty-nekkid, would anybody have even noticed?

I'm glad this guy apparently knows nothing about his right to remain silent. If I was this guy's attorney, I wouldn't even bother to show up in court.