Momma Dee approves this message!
Momma Dee approves this message!
We understand that abortion in the black community is devastating.
Next asshole parent who says "how many kids do YOU have?" is getting punched in the throat.
Yesterday, I had a parent tell me that I "talk white." I've heard that all my life and I still don't know how to respond.
Just cuz you have a kid, it doesn't give you the right to inconvenience others
It's one thing if it goes underground, but the school is practically pushing this as a harmless school tradition. If the mother has her hands on it AND knows the names of the boys, the administration isn't even trying to get this stopped.
How lovely. How young. How airbrushed. How perfectly posed and well-dressed.
TL;DR: Jezebel should run more articles talking about race.
A. Fucking. Men. When I applied as a paraprofessional - not a teacher, a goddamn PARA - I was told to give a list of any blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. (I didn't; I felt like if it was that damn important, they could find it themselves.) We have a moral clause that basically says "don't be a fuckup," not to mention…
You didn't know? Black and brown kids should just be so grateful for whoever graces them with their presence. Standards are for white kids.
"You go girl?" What are you, a soccer mom?
Beat me to it!
Not sure if you noticed, but we're having a downright lively conversation here.
That's because women of color are not considered women. We are females. Big difference. Like it or not, June is a woman - a white woman - and she deserves and will receive the benefit of the doubt from people who would not give Juanita or Jameka the same passionate defense.
Eh, honkems will be honkems. It's been worse here. Reading over the comments, it almost seems like people are actually getting it. I mean, I wouldn't say anything like this about the Duggars or John & Kate - the point is also true, but it's irrelevant. But something about the embracing of THIS particular act just irks…
Will do, thanks!
Can't imagine why ANYONE would follow me on Twitter - I keep forgetting I have the damn thing.