Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

No. No, I'm not going to shut up. Whatcha gonna do about it? Sulk?

No kidding. The eye bucking, lip pursing, and finger snapping complete with that bullshit "blaccent" makes my slapping hand twitch.

Rude kids are pretty high on my list of shit that irritates the fuck out of me - and that's not good when you work in elementary education. I'm not talking about the usual garden variety rudeness (that can be corrected) but the self-absorbed levels of rudeness that you know they've inherited from home. For example, my

Don't get too happy - not unless you have "good hair."

Oh em gee - YES!!!!! The one thing you didn't do was embarrass the family in front of grown folks. Act up at home, maybe. But not "in public."

They get Juno and we get...Precious. *sigh*

But the thing is, the Doo Doo family isn't being looked at as What's Wrong with White America. At worst, people look at this hillbilly clan and say "this is what's wrong with America" or "this is what's wrong with the south." But if they were black, it would be "this is what's wrong with black people." There's a

I know it's not necessarily a "bad" thing - I don't care if June has 20 kids by 20 fathers - but feminism doesn't mean that women don't ever make bad life's decisions. Having four babydaddies (June's words, not mine) by the time you're 26 is pretty damn bad regardless of race, age, class status, planet lived on or

As a black woman (unquestionably the worst represented group of reality TV), I personally welcome our new white trash overlords.


No relation to Lisa Frank, right?

Too bad Alana from Georgia isn't Anika from Detroit. I'm sure the sassy, loud-mouthed child of an obese black woman with four children from four different men - three of them with police records and one unknown - would be just as warmly embraced as this wee moppet.

Serena is a grunter. I have no idea what the fuck Vika does.

U mad? Oh, u maaaaaad.

I wonder if it has anything to do with getting older? I had a bowl of Lucky Charms once a few years back and damn near puked. Like, for real. Now the sweetest thing I ever eat is Honey Bunches of Oats.

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*sobbing* I thought this was news about a new PvZ game.

What do you mean, "finally?" Williams/Azarenka has all the marks of a classic as well, and that was what...two days ago?

And don't forget that you're supposed to magically be this super slut while not having a slutty past! "Where did you get that from, girl?" Great, now I have to lie to your ass.

Now playing

The fuck it ain't. Any time is a good time to bust out ATCQ.