Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Dan Snyder sure as hell is giving Jerry some competition, though. But the reason why Jerry takes the crown is because of the championship caliber team he destroyed. He had a two-time Super Bowl champion team and a brilliant head coach and thought, "How can I fuck this up beyond repair?" By all account, Jimmy Johnson

What is UP with Romo? I mean, he's...fine. On paper, he's an excellent QB. Does he just not have "it," whatever the hell it is?

The only good thing about being a Cowboys fan is that I actually live in Dallas and was born and raised here. I went to college in Florida, and even whispering support for the Cowboys was embarrassing as hell. So good to be back home, where I can cry among friends.

anybody who is trying to block mothers from getting free formula has never - and I mean NEVER - lived in a poor neighborhood, where it is not uncommon to dilute formula with water or put milk (or melted ice cream, as I've seen a couple of times) in a baby bottle. This infuriates me so fucking much that I can barely

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I don't think this is a question a man can ask, to be honest. I might crank Da Baddest Bitch on a regular basis (songs don't get more basic than that), but if my guy referred to me as his bitch, there would be hell to pay. Why? Because fuck you, that's why. There's a ton of words you can call me, and bitch ain't one

I would kill for Jerry Jones to be running this team instead of Snyder.

Whitesplaining 101 - great job!

God, please tell me this is coming to PC. I just can't imagine playing this game without all my mods.

Does every WYTS 2012 comment section end up in this burthurt clusterfuck, or is this the only time? Buffalo fans think you're getting pissed on? Just wait until we get to Dallas!

Uh, it's $99,000 to spare. It's $33,000 PER UNIT, and there are three units.

Just to clarify: other than having $33K to spare, what did Tyra do to get into this program in the first place? I mean...what the hell IS it? You can take non-degree classes at any local community college, right?

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"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" - Eddie Murphy and/or my dad

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This is the song that makes me want to get married. And this is just some demo that was never released from the Thriller era.

she simply meant that her son would carry on "Michael's legacy."


So, something that I haven't seen anyone mention yet is that Zoe Saldana isn't black.

Oh, Zoe has said some riDICulous bullshit. She's one of those who's on that "black actresses need to just stop being lazy" types.

I have no idea if Blige has any acting chops

I am 100% certain her selection has more to do with bankability.

Most of the women I've met have not been concerned with my well-being or humanity