That's one thing I'm afraid of - that my right click button is going to fall off any minute now. #firstworldproblems
Was it my extensive education that made me less of a fit, that now paying $500 will allow me to overcome? My graduate work in sports commerce? Being a law student, working toward becoming an agent? Was it my past experience overseeing the execution of national and international events?
*chucking* Angry Black Bitch trope, eh? Try harder.
"I'm here to blow backs OUT!"
Could be worse. Could be CraigsList. "NO AA - I'M NOT RACIST THAT'S JUST NOT MY TYPE!!!"
Shit, Michael Phelps might want to talk to this guy. Dude, you're not even the best athlete at the Olympics.
I think she's 14. (Which is even worse.) Where in the HELL are her people? Isn't TJ Jackson supposed to be stopping all this shit? Okay, I can understand Katherine not knowing shit about "The Twitter," but I could've sworn TJ actually HAS one.
When Janet tried to take that little brat's phone, people were popping shit. Paris is 14 with over 800K followers and NO JOB. Catch a clue already, little girl. They're not following you because you're so fucking talented.
...and no job?
I know Freddie died, but what happened to the member who is neither Brian nor Roger?
My boobs are for whatever I decide they're for.
Just because they talk different and laugh at farts (who doesn't laugh at farts?) does not mean there is anything wrong with them.
"I'd die to protect another human life," Lila Rose tells me over chicken tenders and french fries.
Nobody has to look up the division between blacks and whites in the United States. It's common knowledge. Furthermore, once you've been kind enough to explain it to me and I still 1) don't get, 2) refuse to get it and 3) go on and on about why you're wrong (despite it having nothing to do with me and my heritage), I…
Nobody has to look up the division between blacks and whites in the United States. It's common knowledge. Furthermore, once you've been kind enough to explain it to me and I still 1) don't get, 2) refuse to get it and 3) go on and on about why you're wrong (despite it having nothing to do with me and my heritage), I…
Dodai, why did you not mention that the "hair haters" were nothing much but a few random Twitters? There were "hair haters" during Serena's Wimbledon win, but you said nothing about them. Or maybe you just like the Why Black Women are Fat and Lazy angle better when we're beating up on a little girl. There is no hair…
BOOM! Headshot.
BOOM! Headshot.