Maxine Shaw, attorney at LOL

Or worse - one of the parents gets leukemia. I was basically taught that it's not wise to have more children than you can afford on your own. Now, that doesn't take into account things like unemployment, terminal illness or sudden death (at one time, my two parents could barely afford to raise just me), but I think

a woman is only as good as her reproductive organs

Uh-Oh, They Also Sing

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Quik himself said it's from the Mexican Hat Dance. So now we can hate black people AND Mexicans (more).

Stick to oppression. (They do it so well!)

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Yep! Although it's kind of hard to tell with honkeyshines like this. I mean...if you can't even move like a dead guy, you should just sit this one out.

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I'm starting to think white people aren't big on dancing, period. Remember when a principal tried to ban those poor soccer players for movin' like Bernie (another dance that white people have just fucked alllll the way up)? I mean, it doesn't get more innocent than that.

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And if you believe DJ Quik (a Blood affiliate who swears B-walking came before C-walking), the dance originally from the Mexican hat dance. Just another reason for AmurriKKKans to hate brown, Spanish-speaking people.

You know what? You're right. Africans and African-Americans have never had bad bloo-hahahaHAHAHAHA!!!! Just kidding.

It's okay. I'm sure she has black friends.

The first woman of color, period. Every AA winner has been of European descent.

Serena gives NEGATIVE fucks! God, I love that girl.

If only she could represent Frosted Flakes...*sighs and goes out to buy a pound of sugar for my Corn Flakes*

Yes, you are. College isn't going anywhere. Dominique Dawes earned her degree in 2002, IIRC. Why on earth would Gabby want to compete in the NCAA when she's an Olympic gold medalist? With the amount of money she's about to make, she can BUY a degree.

What about uneven bars?

I wonder if the house is worth saving (it might be an upside-down mortgage), or if they should just get a new house or something?

She doesn't see color or situation.

A-motherfucking-men. It's not like Gabby was adopted because her mom wasn't around or something. Gabby has ONE mother, and her name is Natalie. The woman who filed for bankruptcy and sold her jewelry to pay for Gabby's lessons.

"I didn't even notice he was black!!!" Blah, blah, blah.

It's obviously not yours. And I don't bother talking to people with such low reading comprehension, so we're finished here.