Maxine Floeffler's Congressional Subpoena

I think Charles and co know it’s in their best interest to pay Andy to shut up and stay quiet. Otherwise he’ll think up new and shady schemes to make money with his ex-wife. 

Edward will be just fine. Apparently he’s Philip’s favorite (yep, I know that’s surprising) and one day he’ll be the Duke of Edinburgh. He’s doing lots of things but since he’s too far away from the crown and not flashy enough he rarely gets noticed. But he has developed various hilarious routines to unveil plaques -

Since I have nowhere else to leave this, here it is:

Hello, we are currently down people and yet five of us will be on tonight liveblogging and writing about the debates as ever. One post does not signal a change in editorial strategy! I realize and sympathize that there is a temptation to believe that we are flipping the switch given all the recent fuckery yonder, but

It’s not even tabloid stuff, it’s just their general interactions and existences that are so bizarrely messy, especially the ducal houses and such, that it’s fascinating.

I’m not really into following them via tabloid media, but I do love extravagant period pieces about famous people, so I’m definitely watching the Crown right now and loved the Queen

My fluffy, mindless brain entertainment is following the various affairs of the royal families of Europe. Mostly who is boffing who, which tiaras or jewels got warn, histories of the families and how they are connected, etc—the nonsense stuff.

I think you mean...

I don’t understand why everyone is so hell bent on spending time with family during the holidays every single year. This Thanksgiving my BF and I are turning off our phones, staying in bed, ordering a pizza, and watching football/The Irishman - and Meg Ryan is more than welcome to join us. :)

Interestingly, people are more likely to believe awkward numbers like 158 than something like 160, because 160 sounds to neat. People also perceive prices that end in 0s as worse value because they assume you rounded up.

Now playing

indeed, especially if the rumors are true

Remember when Candy Spelling wrote unsolicited open letters to people she didn't know but felt needed her advice? I loved those. I wish she would do that again, boo! the person who made her stop! 

Julie Andrews knows all and has seen all; She is omnipotent.

They’re taking a page from Spain’s royals (second cousins to the Windsors). Move the controversial ones offstage and keep going.

They have to get him out of the way because with Brexit coming up, they’re going to need a Royal Family in good nick, so they can pull them out to impress someone or other with a big but intimate lunch, dinner, stay for the weekend, to try and get those “great deals” for the Brit public that the Tories and Leavers

My brother walked in while I was watching an ep circa 1985 and said of Fallon “Yeah, she’s from Denver like I’m from Brooklyn.” (We’re from northern California.)

Snack Thanksgiving sounds like my kind of party!

She said:

Don’t question Her!