Maxine Floeffler's Congressional Subpoena

Essex. Or better yet Geordie. That’s a tough one to pull off unless your family’s been there for at least three or four generations.

I wonder why “Millennial” is so pejorative. It’s descriptive and neutral, it’s people old enough to have consciously experienced the dawn of a new millennium on January 1, 2000. Same with the Baby Boom. WWII is over and suddenly babies, babies everywhere, so many babies.

That sounds fab. This friend was of Italian descent and his father owned a contracting company, or was in residential real estate, I forget what, but in any event I only mention the heritage because the whole house had a very 70s Mediterranean aesthetic. So much woodwork, beveled and handlathed and stained in really

Kim’s actually a year older than Mel. Although who knows what their real ages are, but that’s what they’re admitting to.

Oh gosh, I wonder if that’s what Jerry meant too. The restaurant was famous in its heyday and was the haunt of Lee Radziwill, Babe Paley, all kinds of people, including their pal Truman Capote. His unfinished novel Answered Prayers is a very thinly veiled and bitchy group bio and there’s a scene set there.

I hope you’re time traveling. It closed in 2004.

There might be some internal sabotaging going on. I access this site through a browser using an account I made years ago. Of course I didn’t record my burner key so to comment I can only use this browser.

Oh my God, that’s fabulous, and I’ve never seen it! It’s like a master class in 60s dance crazes.

If Trump “University” had a physical presence and wasn’t basically a mail order fraudulent scheme cooked up by a guy who drove several casinos (!) into bankruptcy. 

Now playing

You are in luck. The help meet took the Loyal Beast out for me so I have time to share this. Also slight insomnia. This is from the original “Bedazzled,” not that sad remake that no one watched. The women are more like backup dancers but go-go-adjacent:

Yes, and can we talk about that for a minute? That’s quite a pivot, wife of Gavin Newsom to girlfriend of one of the most ridiculed men in America, from both left and right, and his own father, who is not shy about tweeting his passive-aggressive contempt.

In that top photo Half-Scoop looks much younger than his 41 years. This is not necessarily a compliment. It’s the ‘do, the facial hair, the clothing and the way he’s wearing it. He looks like he’s entering a sophomore formal at a particularly bro-ish college with a 96% acceptance rate.

There is a little hoiho in all of us. 

By now you should have received a text from some weirdo named Max. If not let me know.

Hmmm. Maybe my dog should run for public office. He is a VERY good boy and is very task-focused when it comes to gnawing.

The irony, of course, is that Cynthia Nixon is actually a New York City native. I’ve always suspected she threw everything but the kitchen sink on hers so as not to alienate a single potential voter who might have thought, “You don’t like capers?” or something like that. 

I will do this. I’ve been distracted lately but eventually you will be receiving a text! I never answered where I live. Without being too specific, the nearest landmark to me is the Apollo Theater in Harlem.

I’ve never understood Canadian blackface. I know that pre-US Civil War the Underground Railroad led to the north and the promised land was Canada, beyond the reach of the slave catchers and where the British Empire had abolished slavery decades before we did. But how many black people do you have in Canada?

ETA: For example, when one of my nieces graduated high school, I was up there for the ceremony. She is one of my many godchildren. She acquired this very beautiful sleeveless white sheath dress to wear under her graduation gown. She would wear this at her parents’ post-grad BBQ.

I know, but presumably the parent(s) would have noticed the boy leaving the house in that blackface slave get-up. I don’t have children but all my many siblings do. They generally left their teenage kids alone (when they were teenagers) but they would sometimes question their children’s clothing options.