Maxine Floeffler's Congressional Subpoena

My question is, where were the parents in all of this? Presumably the high schooler in blackface dolled himself up at home and no one noticed?

I used to go to SF every year on business in the 90s and I used to stay Chinatown-adjacent, to save the company money but still be in the middle of everything. It’s a wonder that SF’s Chinatown hasn’t been tech-bro-gentrified out of existence.

I have this recurring image of Mel and Don. Every few weeks in 2015 they bumped into each other at Trump Tower. At some point he mentioned that he was running for president. For real this time.

Going by the tweets that Barf Bag barfs up I think Our President (sic) watches it in real time. I mean why wouldn’t he? It’s not like being the executive of the most powerful nation on earth with a population of 330 million could be that time consuming.

I can’t believe that thing of beauty exists. I bet we won’t see it come sunrise.

Kinja’d again. Here’s my full reply, maybe for the dozenth time.

By the way, this response was much longer, slightly edited, and took in Chinatown and Koreatown, but kinja froze me and I hit Publish several times. Is this becoming like Twitter? I copied and pasted my full, edited reply but couldn’t get it to post. I’m going to try again one last time. Sorry to anyone who stumbles

I have not tried Discord because it sounds like younger, more supple, and less Luddite minds than I have had trouble getting used to it with its various channels.

Of course it is the Betty Crocker! Good guess. I have lots, but TBH I don’t really use them anymore, I just go online if I’m unsure about something.

I took you out of the grays because I actually live in Manhattan, it is scowlybrowspinster who was asking for advice, but maybe she (I assume a she) will see this.

You don’t happen to live in Southeastern MA, do you? Plymouth County maybe? That, as far as I can tell, is the cranberry capital of the world. Cranberry bogs abound. Cranberry muffins to be had year-round. Cranberries adorn Christmas wreathes. Cranberry-scented candles (I didn’t realize cranberries had a scent?) I

There aren’t that many sites associated with the Harlem Renaissance. There are some private residences that still survive but a lot was lost in the postwar era and, more recently, the gentrification craze. The clubs that they might have hung out in are pretty much long gone.

“as the fire’s rage”

It was probably in my apartment somewhere. We have vaguely hoarderish tendencies so it’s a daily struggle to declutter and resist the temptation to introduce even more crap.

It is the Miracle of the Gnawed-on Pancakes and the Eternal-Mystery Meat Patties. The person holding the plate might have had leprosy and now is cured, or might have been blind but now can see the Sacred Gnawed-on Pancakes and the Eternal-Mystery Meat Patty. Or might have even been raised from the dead to witness the

Do you make your own cranberry sauce? I assume you do. It’s super simple, it’s just a bag of cranberries, some sugar, and orange zest. The beauty of it is it comes out like a sauce, or a spread, not like the Jello-like stuff that you get in cans. Plus it’s so much better warm. When I made the lamb chops I took a

Oh I’m fine, I just got one of those seasonal colds.

If you are bound and determined to go to the Statue of Liberty there’s only one authorized vendor, Statue Cruises:

I composed the mother all replies before I saw your comment and...kinja ate it. Or Spectrum, tool of the devil that it is, did.

There you are, finally! Can you tell me where you’re going to be staying (not the actual hotel, I’m not stalking you, but the general area?)