And this reastaurant was in Santa Monica, which is all the more shocking.
And this reastaurant was in Santa Monica, which is all the more shocking.
Because even when Devo was popular almost 40 years ago no one knew or cared about the band members’ names?
I took the extremely unpopular (in New York, among those who read the NY Times) action of actively supportng Jerry Brown for President in 1992, against the Bill Clinton juggernaut. No regrets. I still think he would have been better.
Oh admit it though, he’s kind of 2015 hot. If I were his age I wouldn’t be married and I’d be interested in getting to know him better. Not on the Liberty University campus of course, maybe at NYU or Columbia.
Oh no, now it is I who want to hang out with your friends, because THEY sound fun. Plus I’m blessed with genetically driven low cholesterol so nothing on that menu would have really affected me, except for my waistline.
Did you make the poached chicken out of Julia Child’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking”? It’s amazing that woman lived as long as she did.
Thanks! They really are fun. But if you get together with us you’ll do your liver no favors and your cholesterol count might rise a little higher than you’d really want…
I was at a favorite restaurant once with a group of people, and this time a friend brought his new boyfriend who was the wine buyer/sommelier for a pretty upscale restaurant. The waiter sauntered up and said, “Should I bring a couple of bottles of your usual for the group.” And I stammered, “Oh no, I think…”
My husband wouldn’t. I have about two dozen affectionate nicknames for him, and in public I inevitably slip up and call him by one rather than his given name. I’ve never done this in a professional setting but hundreds of people in social situations have heard me call him something you don’t normally see on a baby…
You know what’s a huge revelation is if you can get your hands on decent Lambrusco. To my mind it’s a $3.99 bottle that high school girls buy to get drunk, but Italian friends of mine serve it at their summer parties and it’s pretty delicious, and these folks are not exactly wine snobs but they know their way around…
I come from a family with pretty bland tastes and whenever they come stay with me we stay in and I make dinners, because we’ve all had exhausting touring days and with kids they don’t want to go roaming around Manhattan after dark.
I worked in an upscale department store and they had levels of in-house credit cards. So imagine if Macy’s had many levels of Macy’s cards. (Maybe they do.) The top level was for the families of senior executives and they got a huge discount. Whenever anyone whipped out one of those cards everyone stood up a little…
The quality of food in Europe in general is much higher than our over-processed factory-farmed stuff. People have been eating steak tartare for centuries. Same with the Japanese and sushi. They don’t pasterurize cheeses in Europe (which is why you’re not supposed to bring any back to the US, although the US may have…
I am going to start calling my husband my “caliente love bundle.”
Well in his case I wonder how safe his burbs are if you pull into a random gas station or stand in line at a Costco and the next guy over has a gun and multiple knives on him!
This leaving the gun in the car compromise almost makes sense. Was he driving through an especially dangerous area where carjacking was common? (Probably not, right?) But even in that case I don’t think I’d reach for a gun if someone was pointing a gun at me.
I want to see her Pinterest.
I’m sure you’re very talented but not all contractors are and the Federal bidding process is so laborious that only a few companies can achieve it, and they have all kinds of Federal set-asides, so they don’t always get Google-quality talent. Plus, have you ever noticed that some Federal workplaces seem a tad…
I think Smith is part of a consortium of half a dozen schools where under very limited circumstances you can take a class or two from a member college but not get a diploma from them. I have a feeling I once knew a guy who took a class at Smith. I also have a feeling I knew a guy who went to MIT who took at least one…
Were you in S&B? No snark, just curious. And if you were, aren’t you supposed to keep this info top secret? Or are they more open now and wear special signet rings or lapel pins or something?