Maxine Floeffler

Nope. FAO Schwarz closed in July and Toys R Us (FAO Schwarz’s owner) is getting out of Times Square at the end of January, when the lease is up. I don’t know what I’m going to do when little kids come to visit me. I guess let them get groped by Elmo characters and gawk at the desnudas.

I think you’d be surprised at the low level of DC-area tech savviness. I know of more than one case where a Federal agency had an IT team, who basically did nothing, so they had contractors, who were inept, so they hired consultants to advise the contractors, but the consultants were in over their heads, so they hired

Don’t know about the greys. Kinja, like fate, is a fickle mistress. Maybe you were in the black in some other portion of Gawker Media? It doesn’t carry over to all the sister sites.

Maybe you could call someone you know who has a dog and they could put the phone up to the dog’s ear and you could sing that way?

You know how I get rid of songs stuck in my head? I sing them (badly) to my dog. He has a keen ear for musical entertainment and will growl-bark along happily.

This is what I don’t get. Why would you go to a bar if you can’t drink? To watch sports? Maybe you could leave the gun at home and knock back a couple? But then again I don’t understand how bars that you have to drive to can stay in business, because to stay within the legal BAC you have to drink really slowly.

That’s Britain though on a typical weekend. I have never witnessed drunken hooliganism in Spain or France or Italy (although I steer clear of the soccer stadiums on game days.)

I lived in Germany for a while (Junior Year Abroad) and German language and history and culture was my “culture concentration.” I think there’s a German dichotomy. Since WWII Germans have been especially careful officially about presenting a good face and being welcoming and open and stamping out any traces of

The reincarnated ghost of W. C. Fields would play me at the rate I’m going but my husband seems to love me anyways!

I have never had children but I enjoy their company and lots of friends’ kids and my own relatives are adults now with their own children. I would never think to criticize anyone’s appearance. You gave your father a grandchild. Does he want you to slim down so you’d be more alluring even though you already have a

I don’t know that I’d read so much into this. I sometimes go into an office and there’s this weird thing where if one of the women is having a birthday or going on vacation or something a group of women, including one of the bosses, will go out to lunch together and the men (including me) are never invited. Everyone

In that picture he looks like he’s two stories tall! Is he?

That video is like the Sesame Street version of The Seventh Seal.

I would except we venerate our ancestors and it would involve removing tons of framed photos or creating an impromptu subsite in this very forum! You can imagine it easily enough. We only did one wall in our den, though, I think all four walls would have been a little much.

I have a special fondness for Luce, as I like to think of her, because in the midst of the Lewinsky imbroglio and the Starr Report and all that other pre-9/11 “we aren’t really at war with anyone so what the hell else do we have to obsess over” period I bumped into her, literally, on a crowded Lexington Avenue

It has enough celeb gossip stories but the libel laws in Britain are much more stringent than those in the US. They have Big Brother and TOWIE (their version of The Jersey Shore) and their own newscasters and celebrity chefs, but it’s a little difficult for this American to follow along.

I have a brownie recipe that involves peanut butter and cream cheese so to anyone who thinks this combo is a bad idea they are welcome to come to my place and enjoy this:

Oh and by the way, as good Alabamians, what possessed you all to set sail for your northeastern tour? Were you all history buffs or something? As you know in NYC we put up with anything, and DC is more southern than it is northern, but I bet you got kind of a frosty reception in Boston…

With your AL tags you would have fit right in. When I walk my hellbeast around Harlem there are tons of cars with southern plates. I assume it’s friends and relatives visiting people they know here.

I am already an honorary! I work from home and every year we put a Hanukkah menorah (a hanukiyah) (and by the way there seems to be a million ways to spell both those words so this is the best I came up with) in our lobby. Though there are many Jewish residents they are not so pious that they return before sundown so