“Damn, some of the eyewitnesses described the getaway car as green; others as a shade of purple. Either we have two perps or the witnesses were higher than kites.”
“Damn, some of the eyewitnesses described the getaway car as green; others as a shade of purple. Either we have two perps or the witnesses were higher than kites.”
I like that. It’s art.
This feels really icky and exploitative regardless of his other work. Sorry. And, there is really no way to tell if it was this or something else on the application that got him accepted, and it’s many times more likely that it was something else.
Counterpoint: Fuck Gonzaga also
Nobody hates Northwestern. You don’t hate Northwestern. Just because Magary wrote a column on it doesn’t make it a thing. It would’ve been kinda cool had they won.
This is what happens when you focus too much on RPI and not enough on the sniff test.
The response from the N.C. Democratic Party was beautiful.
You’re only supposed to set your clock forward one hour, friend.
I’m willing to wager good money that this will not be in the top 20 bizarre things that happen in Walmart parking lots in Florida in 2018.
Make Offensive Pith Effective: M.O.P.E.
Seriously, you’d attract scads of disaffected teens and twenty-somethings who didn’t have the benefit of coming of age in the grunge era, as I did.
So, so glad that my teenage angst was given voice by Nirvana and Bush, rather than MCR or <insert Hot Topic band here>.
Yes, I am old,…
that’s such a lazy camp name. i’m in camp If You’re Gonna Name a Camp, At Least Name it Something That Isn’t Also Lazy.
That’s such a lazy joke, if we can even call it that. I’m in camp If You’re Gonna Be Offensive, At Least Make A Joke That Isn’t Also More Than 100 Years Old. My camp also needs a better name.
That wasn’t a sticker. That was the previous owner that accelerated.
Is the bottom part Jalopniks new motto?