Maxi Cooper ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BMW forgot the kidney is part of the grille, not the grille.

Short Round, mentored by aging Jones, trying to save some magic Chinese artifact from destruction during the cultural revolution is such an obvious direction for a sequel and it drives me crazy that it will never happen

They already had a good successor, having Short Round evolve to take Indy’s position would have been nice development that would made him more thean a rather unfortunate Asian comedic sidekick.

Delta, eh? Fitting that a Straight Outta Compton star would fly with them, considering who they absorbed a decade ago.

Part of problem is that we hear about people in power who do something awful and stupid. Smart, competent, non-racist principal not really make news, because that baseline expectation of what principal should be.

The California this comic posits is a little screwy. I would think that the alignments would be the opposite, with the coastal cities supporting secession and the inland cities beholden to the US. In terms of political leanings that’s precisely how the state shakes out, with the coasts stubbornly, deeply blue (save

Inconvenient, sure. But I’m glad to see he got over it.

I know who that is! It’s Bill Shuster, the House Transportation Chair!

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

The fact that you think anything I said is an attack is exactly the problem. You wrote that whole comment and I don’t even know if you meant to reply to me at this point.

“...One point being, we should be able to discuss this without instantly shaming/closing off the opposing viewpoint.”

No. They have a pretty temperate climate.

To be fair, she was sending mixed signals

Jon Stark is from a family species genus family order class phylum kingdom known for doing stupid things to get with beautiful ladies.

Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.

Well I guess you ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

*Scans list*

Fortunately he missed Dee’s nuts

So all they did was move the guy to another section? Couldn’t they have come up with more of a final solution?

Bilbo and Gollum reunion!