Maxi Cooper ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
maxicooper that Netflix allows was a great year for movies in cars.

First of all, the golf meme is getting old. I’m sure it probably came from whatever right wing propaganda you get your “news” from, but let me nip that thing in the butt: Obama took far, FAR fewer trips than GWB, Clinton, GHB, or Reagan. Its not that its a problem for a President to take a vacation: its a fucking

Not really sure how you think doing good things makes him an abject failure?

I hope that the people in charge at the EPA and congress will take a trip to China so that they can see what happens when you don’t create and enforce environmental regulations.

I know some Jalops don’t want to hear it. But as someone who is old enough to remember the brown clouds and inversions from the 70's and 80's anything that slows Trump from being able to allow automakers to sell guzzling spewers without checks or balances is completely alright with me.

...Democrats can claim they are more concerned about the environment than the Republicans...

Bullshit write up on this.

Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.

Haven’t seen someone spend this much time running around Philadelphia with inevitable disappointment on the horizon since Hillary Clinton.

Professional gamer: Makes more money than us doing what he loves... stop shitting.

And yet he didn’t hit anything or kill anyone. So lets focus on the real asshole, Mr. Stang.

A-hole in one.

Asshole didn’t replace his divot.

Well at least now he has a handicap

One in hole!

Yeah, watching that game he clearly had nothing in the ninth. Going back and checking the pitch tracker is hilarious, though, because Chapman’s version of “nothing” is 98 mph fastballs and 85 mph sliders.

Not “hot” so much as “supremely stupid,” in my opinion.

Yes, he absolutely should be enshrined, but at the same time, it is so fucking funny that he isn’t. Knowing he’s on twitter searching for “Curt Schilling HOF” getting angry at people who say they wouldn’t vote for him. It’s the little things that make me happy.