Counterpoint: There are no winners here.
Counterpoint: There are no winners here.
When it’s sponsored, I promise you no Jalopnik writers will be doing it, and I promise you we’ll let you know. This is just a good car.
It only has one big, beautiful problem.
There’s no chance that wasn’t on purpose. Pro-level shade.
I’m waiting for Jack Dorsey to pull the trigger, waiting like a lion waits for an elderly and/or ailing wildebeest.
...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...
Be careful mentioning skirt steaks to him, though, he might grab it by the rib eye.
He prefers to skirt the issue. A real round about way to chuck an idea into the brisket.
since he cant sell burgers at his restaurant and can’t sell his steaks at sharper image, he has to take his beef to twitter.
He wuz gud
I tore my ACL watching that linebacker.
Well, hell, even I can beat Tom Brady in a foot race...
Matthew 21:12, from the Star Wars illustrated Bible.
I suggest letting the wookie get all the stars
It made a lot more sense once I read this:
I would have zero sympathy had it been a Hilary wrap, putting anything giant and political on your personal vehicle is like poking a bee hive with a stick. And choosing to put either extremely unpopular candidate in the form of a wrap on your expensive car is just fucking stupid. So yeah, no sympathy.
I agree with you on principle, but I also feel zero sympathy for the owner.
Even politics must never break the rule that you do NOT fuck with a man’s car no matter how much you hate his awful, awful choice of president.
lol wtf is this
ETA: You think we’re only two generations into women raising children? Where were you that whole time when women couldn’t even get into the workforce?